May 28, 2019
By Rachael Osborn
SDB Church Boulder, CO
I’ve been going to Conference for as long as I can remember. Some of the biggest memories I have are when I met my best friend Holly. Now, I don’t remember exactly when I met her but I do remember hanging out with her a lot at conference almost every year. I remember when we started talking and forming a friendship outside of Conference. I remember taking trips with Children’s Conference. I loved the yearly children’s performance—until I got “too old” and “too cool” for it. I remember the first time I went to a business meeting. I remember sitting with Phil and having him explain everything that was going on to Holly and me. We were lost, completely, but we enjoyed going and learning anyway. Going into young adult activity, as opposed to the youth, I really appreciate the opportunity to have learned what was going on before being thrown into it. I remember the first time I didn’t share a room with my sister and feeling so trusted. I can’t imagine my life without Conference, and can’t wait to continue making memories!
I pray that this page continues in the SR and the youth continue to be excited to add to it. I pray that the youth continue to learn—whether it’s about Conference, business, or each other. I pray that God will build up strong youth to lead our denomination and to spread the Word of God to the nations. Most of all, I pray that the youth will continue to learn about Jesus. I pray God will continue to lead our youth and bring them to Him.