May 28, 2019
By Sarina Villalpando
Maranatha Community Church, Colton, CA
As the Sabbath Recorder continues to grow, I hope for more growth in the Young Adult section. I see this section as somewhere for young adults to journalize their feelings and express what God is putting on their hearts and what God is doing in their lives. I want the young adult Sabbath Recorder section to be a place where there is no judgment and no formality so those who are not writers can write. I hope for more writers. In the past, the Sabbath Recorder has been mostly the editor(s) writing the majority of the articles. For the future, I hope for an abundance of different writers—that there may even be two articles every month in the YA section! I hope for continued growth of the YA section and God-loving articles.
Dear SDB Young Adults,
You do not need to be an experienced writer to write for the Sabbath Recorder—you just need to have something to say. Is God doing something amazing in your life or has He already done something? Do you have something you’re very passionate about?
Is there a verse or song that is really touching your heart right now? Do you want to share your testimony in written form? Do you have a lesson you want to teach? Put it into an article! Do you have an idea but you are unsure of how to write it? That’s what I’m here for! Let me help you bring your brilliance to life. Don’t be scared, and don’t worry about being perfect, because no one is. God does not require perfection and neither does this section.
—Sarina Villalpando
Feel free to email me at smvillal19@gmail.com or text me at (909)4967337.
“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,”
—2 Timothy 3:16