By Donna (Sanford) Bond “I can hardly remember when the Sabbath Recorder was not a part of my life,” I told Pat Cruzan when she mentioned the upcoming 175th anniversary issue. “Maybe you should write about it for the June issue,” she responded. So here it is: The Sabbath Recorder no doubt came into our home before I was born. Once I got beyond Dick, Jane and...
The Women’s Society’s Connection
By Katrina Goodrich The world is a smaller place than it was in 1844. The newest communication technology released that year was the telegraph. Today we have cell phones and the internet; we can hop on an airplane and be halfway around the world in less than a day. But while the world is a smaller place today, the distance between people is larger than ever. I...
Funny how the past never ends!
By John R. Morgan The title comes from an observation I made in an email to Janet Thorngate in which I enclosed a camera-shot of the handwritten note to “Dea. David Rogers” signed “Geo. B. Utter.” It was on the first of two blank pages in a bound volume of the entire first year of The Sabbath Recorder (52 issues! Volume I: June 13, 1844 – June 19, 1845)....
The Best is yet to Come…

May 28, 2019
John D. Bevis, Editor 1973-1982 Editor John D. Bevis originated much of the Sabbath Recorder as we know it today. When he became editor in 1973, it was a small 6 x 9 inch 16-page newsletter format publication. John changed the Sabbath Recorder into a full-sized monthly magazine for Seventh Day Baptists. Color was added and then occasionally a full-color cover....
Everyone Needs a Mission
By Andy Samuels Chief Executive Director SDB Missionary Society The Sabbath Recorder and the Missionary Society have some parallels. First of all, they are almost the same age. The current organization of the Missionary Society was established in 1846, two years after the printing of the first Sabbath Recorder. Secondly, they both have been all over the globe....