Aug 26, 2019
by Eric Bofinger
Shiloh SDB Church, NJ
During the Wednesday night worship time at conference, Pastor Daniel Nsubuga of the Uganda SDB Conference shared about issues surrounding orphans in his home country and throughout the continent. Famine, diseases, disasters, mishaps, and civil wars have left more than 50 million children orphaned throughout Africa. With the help of fundraising efforts, the SDB Missionary Society has been supporting ministries throughout Africa to provide food, medication, and support to families who open their homes to orphans.
Friday morning 8/2 at 7:00 am, 75+ SDBs and people of the Lancaster community opened up their wallets and laced up their running shoes to compete in the 7th annual Gospel Feet 5K to donate toward helping orphans in Africa. The 2019 race meandered over Lancaster Bible College’s beautiful cross country course. Dale Winland, age 15, of Lancaster, won the overall award by finishing in a time of 17:55. For the women, Julia Wilson, age 19, also of Lancaster, took gold with a time of 22:39. New this year was an award for the church with the most participants. It was a tight battle, but the German SDB Church brought home the award for the most representation. Also, the kids had a chance to run to raise money in the newly featured kids quarter mile dash.
Over two thousand dollars were raised from the race, not including extra donations that came in afterwards. Ben Calhoun, of “Citizen Way,” also pledged to donate ten percent of t-shirt and merchandise sales towards the mission of helping orphans in Africa. If you missed the opportunity to run and still would like to donate, please visit
Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and we’ll see what’s in store for the race in 2020 at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, MI!