Oct 24, 2019
By Kayleigh Mackintosh
It has been over two months since Conference ended. Most everyone remembers that time after Conference. It stinks. Conference is a time every year that the young adults look forward to for a long time. It is a time to reconnect with friends from previous years, meet new friends, and worship together with people our age that worship the same day we do. You wait all year for that time.
You get to spend an amazing week together with your friends, then everyone leaves to go back to their normal lives. But we don’t leave everything behind at Conference. The memories we take with us help us grow in our relationship with God and our relationship with each other.
Going into Conference this year, I thought it was going to be like last year. I go, see my friends, find things to keep me busy, then go home missing my friends like crazy. Man was I wrong!
This last year at Conference I was in charge of the children’s musical. When my grandma first asked me about writing and directing the musical I was nervous to say the least. But it turned out to be one of the most amazing experiences ever! I had heard the phrase “faith like a child” multiple times—but before Conference I had never really gotten to experience it for myself. While teaching the music during Children’s Conference I got to watch the kids worship. When the music would come on it was like a switch flipped in them. They suddenly weren’t watching what was going on around them or what their friends were doing. In that time you could see that it was just them and God. All they wanted to do was spend time with God.
I want to worship like that. To just close my eyes and be transported to my place where I can have time—just me and God. What does your quiet place with God look like? These kids taught me so much about faith in worship. So my challenge to you is to look at the children around you, in your home, in your church, etc. Watch them worship. Look for that childlike faith they have. Then learn from them.
Last year’s Conference theme was “People Get Ready.” Are you ready? Are you ready to work on your faith and the way you worship? Are you ready to be like a child in your faith? Are you ready to ignore the world around you and be with God? So as we prepare for next year’s Conference let’s turn our eyes towards Jesus and let Him change our faith into that of a child’s. So that when God says “Go,” we don’t ask questions or doubt. We trust that God’s got it covered and we GO!