Oct 24, 2019
By Cheri Appel
Start with Prayer. Practice Listening.
Years ago, I heard a speaker talk about hearing God. She emphasized listening for His voice. She directed us to pray about it, sincerely and often. Thereafter, driving to work each morning, I asked the Holy Spirit to help me hear my Father’s voice, recognize it, and know what He wanted to do through me (John 14:26). God had put within me a desire to be used this way.
About the same time, a wise friend and mentor told me that each night she sat on her bed with her hands out, palms up, open to receive. She prayed, then listened quietly and expectantly. She believed God would speak to her. She was ready and willing to hear Him. Like her, I practiced listening for God’s voice. I wondered, “How would I know it was His voice?”
As an early childhood educator, I had learned that infants know the sound of their parents’ voices by listening, both in the womb and after birth. Pediatricians look for this in the baby’s growth. At just a few months old, an infant will respond in a measurable way to this familiar voice. The young child will look around the room for their mother’s face. It makes sense then, doesn’t it? We are able to recognize and respond to our Father’s voice by listening and memorizing it.
Read God’s Word. Study the Prophets.
My journey in this endeavor continued with Scripture. A Christian co-worker told me to reread all about the prophets in the Bible, not only what they said, but how God spoke to them. It didn’t take long to realize God got their attention in various ways. Samuel heard his name being called (1 Samuel 3); Moses was drawn to a burning bush (Exodus 3); Elijah recognized God’s whisper in the quiet (1 Kings 19); God made Jonah listen by arranging extreme circumstances (Jonah 1-4); and John time-traveled in a vision (Revelation 1).
I learned that, with the exception of Jesus, God’s prophets were normal people like us. They did not hear God’s voice all the time. They were capable of sin, but tried to live a life set apart. They loved God and were very familiar with Him. Although imperfect humans, for the most part they desired to serve God and were obedient. They aged. (Moses was old!) They worked, married, and had families. And, except for Elijah, they died. Because they were faithful and engaged with Him, God used them as messengers, visionaries, and examples. (Hosea 1)
As an illustration of how we can know our Father, Jesus spoke of sheep (John 10:1-4). Each flock of these truly dumb animals know and respond to their individual shepherd’s voice. The shepherd counts them as they leave their pen each morning. They hear him prodding them forward to graze in new pastures. He speaks to them throughout the day. When he gives commands to his dog and calls a lamb that is straying from the group, they learn the inflections of his voice. At day’s end, he counts them again as they enter into the pen. This relationship between sheep and shepherd can mean the difference between life and death! If we are listening, it is possible for us to know our Shepherd’s voice!
Look for God at Work in Everything, Everywhere, and Everyone.
A seasoned pastor, who I spent ten years learning from, professes NOT to believe in coincidences. He only sees God-incidences. This taught me to look for God at work in every circumstance. When you change how you observe life’s happenings, it will become second nature for you to see His orchestration, control and perfect timing all around. Your praise and thanks to God will go on all day!
Know God’s True Character.
The prophets knew that God would only tell them to do things that were according to His perfect and pure character. He will not go against His own Holy Righteousness. When Jesus was in the wilderness for 40 days, He knew His Father’s character. He refused to “fall” for the offerings of Satan, even though they were plucked from God’s Word and made sense in an earthly view. Jesus, the Word, knew the Eternal big picture and would not undermine it. (Matthew 4)
One afternoon at summer camp, a young girl asked, “How does God speak to people?” Her youthful strong faith and desire to hear God inspired and spurred me on in my own quest for the same! I took this as a sign, brought by this most unexpected messenger, that we were both on the “right track” to fulfill the desires of our hearts. Desires put in place by our Creator, Father.
When I did hear God, it was audible. Alone in my car, I heard His Words distinctly. He broke through my everyday thoughts and commanded my attention. It was very clear. He spoke in brief sentences, specifically. He repeated the same words two times, and when I questioned it, He repeated the command word for word a third time. I realized this was not my speech pattern, nor my “inner” voice used for talking to myself.
It was not a combination of words I would use, nor how I put sentences together. Interestingly enough, I only heard the voice in my left ear. Each time He spoke, I heard nothing in my right ear, only in my left! This was my first experience. Yours may be very different.
Have No Doubt. Confirm with God.
Take His Peace.
Although what God commanded me to do was odd,there was no doubt in my mind that He had spoken to me. I have heard people say, “I feel like God wants me to do this.” or “I’m not sure, but I think God is telling me to say that.” I have not found a Bible reference for feeling like God spoke to you, nor one indicating not being sure of God’s voice. God does not lead us by feelings.
God’s words will stand out in your mind. You may have questions. Moses, Samuel, and Gideon did! Put out a fleece (Judges 6:36). Pray that the command either continues on the forefront of your mind or that it fades from your thoughts within 24 hours. There may be others, even strangers, who speak to confirm what you heard. Ask respected Christian mentors—sometimes without prompting, the advice of others will be almost word for word what you are hearing! Within seven days you may have as many as three clear confirmations.
The scriptures tell us that it is okay to respectfully confirm His commands and then be obedient. DO NOT allow Satan to get in the way. Use the powerful name of Jesus! Tell demonic doubt to “Get out!” (Matthew 16:23). Memorize His voice and how He speaks to you. Tell others your exciting story!