Oct 24, 2019
Please consider discussing with your family about adding some of these to your Christmas gift list. Some of our SDB families have made it part of their year-end tradition to select items from our suggested gift list to support the ministry work of our SDB brethren around the world. During this season, let us celebrate the greatness of our Father’s love, with
the greatest gift of all, Christ Jesus, by sharing a gift with our SDB brethren around the world.
We hope that you will prayerfully consider how the blessings you have received may help you be involved in God’s ministry through the Missionary Society.
Then the people rejoiced because they had offered so willingly, for they made their offering to the Lord with a whole heart.. —1 Chronicles 29:9
Children’s Relief Support
□ 1 – Helping orphans transition into new homes
(Suggested gift: $30)
□ 2 – Aid for children distressed by war & conflicts
(Suggested gift: $50)
□ 3 – Buy seeds for food gardens in Uganda
(Suggested gift: $25)
□ 4 – Dengue-and-malaria-preventing mosquito nets
(Suggested gift: $10)
Community Outreach Ministries
□ 5 – Shoes and clothing for the sick and poor
(Suggested gift: $25)
□ 6 – Life-saving medicine (Suggested gift: $12)
□ 7 – Bibles and Gospel tracts for developing world
congregations (Suggested gift: $20)
□ 8 – Food and water in communities facing disasters
(Suggested gift: $45)
SDB Discipleship & Training
□ 9 – International TIME Program books & leadership Bibles
(Suggested gift: $25)
□ 10 – Ship SDB Helping Hand overseas for a year
(Suggested gift: $22)
□ 11 – Share in short-term mission trip expenses
(Suggested gift: $100)
□ 12 – Pastors’ assistance (Suggested gift: $40)
Sustainable Development
□ 13 – Freshwater wells
(Suggested gift:$400 / Share the cost: $40)
□ 14 – Buy seeds for an orphanage garden in Uganda
(Suggested gift: $25)
□ 15 – Pregnant heifer
(Suggested gift:$500 / Share the cost: $50)
□ 16 – Sponsor sustainable family Chicken Project
(Suggested gift: $350 /Share the cost: $35)