Nov 26, 2019
Pastor Wayne North
New Auburn SDB Church, WI
Do you believe Genesis 1:26 where man is made in God’s image and likeness? That is foundational in our calling to be active in foster care and adoption. It was man who turned his back on God and His truth. In man’s rebellion, he chose to be like God in much the same way Satan did. All of creation, including families and children, has been feeling the effects of the fall ever since.
What does this have to do with adoption and even foster care? God implanted in our hearts the need to bring restoration and relationship back into people’s lives. To destroy humanity, the enemy had his sights set upon the foundation of society: the family. If he could deceive the fathers and mothers with distraction, addictions, affliction, depression, division, divorce, lusts, and so much more, he could destroy the family and its future.
Romans 8:15 tells us, “For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.” Sin separated us, but God’s plan was to restore us back to Him through Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Ghost. We are called the sons of God, co-heirs with Christ, partakers of the divine nature escaping corruption, etc. We have a new family line of nobility and godliness. As partakers and participators in the grace and power of Jesus Christ, shouldn’t we share that with others?
I believe God used my family to bless dozens of youth and their families through foster care and ultimately adoption. Many trials and tribulations, many heartaches and headaches—but we always knew that God was using this as a ministry to bring Light into dark situations. We were to invest eternity into their hearts. We planted seeds of truth and life into their hearts. Our battle wasn’t against the flesh and blood. To make a difference we had to take the fight for these kids into the spiritual realm.
It started with one: Jace. Doors opened for a second: Zerek. And when we said enough, a third entered into our life: Ezrah. All came through the foster care system. Let me say, the road to adoption was hard. It was emotional and tearful. Some days we almost gave up. We had to choose to fight for them. Though the battle was very physical and emotional, it was mostly spiritual. We created prayer teams that would saturate us in intercession. Even after adoption, our battle still continues. Most of us have heard of the discussion between nature vs nurture. Which one is most important? Well, I can tell you that the main one is the supernatural.
God gave us three natural children and three supernatural children. While all six are of equal blessing, watching God birth three children into life in a non-traditional method just blew me away. Maybe it was because I carried more of the burden. Our three daughters were carried by my wife for nine months. I was there but didn’t really share equal responsibility in the birthing process. But, with the three supernatural children, my part was more equal. I had to participate in the “birthing pangs” of many visitations, court dates, and so much more, which lasted for years in each case. But with God all things are possible. As a man, husband and father, I began to fight for these children from my position of victory in Christ. I truly began to fight the good fight. Daily, hourly, and sometimes minute-by-minute, I would pray in authority in the spiritual realm against any forces holding them back from becoming part of our family, part of our inheritance, and especially part of our Godly heritage they would enter into. Through the many tears, sleepless nights, anxious thoughts, and fearful moments, God would remind me that I was also adopted. He has a heart for adoption and He is the God of miracles. I still had to do my part of this new type of “labor.” Our family fought for them!
We were very intentional in who we asked to pray for us: people who know their God, encounter His miraculous power in their own lives, and are devoted to living a righteous and holy life. We wanted God’s “Spiritual Special Forces” to be our team. It worked! Sometimes I feel bad when I know couples who wait decades, or even a lifetime to adopt, and we are 3 for 3 in our adoption endeavors. We are blest. Our victory came through following God’s plan and using the spiritual tools He has given us to fight the good fight. These weapons are for all areas of life. Our faith was being built. We already watched God bring victory over addictions, sickness, disease, and anything the world and the realm of darkness would throw our way through miraculous wonders in our life, as well as many others. He now gave us a new testimony!
Prayer, fasting, study, worship, binding, loosing, anointing, breaking off family curses, speaking blessings over them, etc. have become tools we use every day in our spiritual toolbox. When we see behaviors or emotional changes, we have come to assume it could be because their biological family may be doing drugs, alcohol, in trouble with the law, etc. These soul ties need spiritual severing only His weapons can do—and sometimes on a daily basis. Our weapons are good for the pulling down of (every) stronghold. As the child grows, we equip them with the same tools so they learn how to fight through the victory of Christ!
We have watched weird behaviors show up out of nowhere numerous times, only to find out later that their biological parents were struggling at the exact same time. The spiritual realm is weird. There are what are called soul ties between people. God designed them to be good and bring life. But, in this fallen world, we see these spiritual connections cause depression, addictions, confusion, anger, etc. Even spiritual (demonic) entities showed up in our yard representing “things” the biological families are into. Even the kids see them! Is this too much for you to believe?
They say adoptive children struggle with identity, rejection, and abandonment. Maybe these areas are rooted more in the spiritual realm than in the physical or emotional realm? Maybe the key is totally spiritual sometimes? All I know is that the spiritual realm is real and it affects the physical and emotional. Others that have adopted have noticed the same things, even in foster care. There is a connection between their adoptive child and their genetic ties. We must learn to fight where the battle really is.
So, we continually fight spiritually for all of OUR children. We have broken off the spiritual ties from their former lives. I believe it is very important to go through an “adoption dedication” service in your local church to physically and spiritually adopt these children into the family. These experiences have enabled me to think and walk more spiritually when behaviors and habits arise. Live spiritually! As His Church we have a major calling to have a heart for adoption. The Great Commission is about adoption that is definitely spiritual, and translates into the emotional and physical. Adoption is a symptom of a heart that is made in God’s image and likeness. It is not by our might, nor by our power, but by His Spirit! Rely upon the power of the Gospel!
Feel free to contact me if you would like to continue this conversation or have any questions!