Dec 27, 2019
By Levi Bond
I have a coworker who relieves stress by playing with paper airplanes during breaks. One day last week he made a large one out of a sheet from an old desk calendar. He tossed it across the room.
It cleared my desk and then nosedived to the floor. He told me about a childhood experience when his dad had a small airplane years ago. He would go for a flight with his dad and try to get dad to do dives and other stunts. His dad would always disappoint him by telling him that they were going to stay on the course to their destination, no stunts.
After hearing this story, I realized that was a great illustration for my mid-life crisis that struck around my 40th birthday. My first years of adulthood were pretty active and I felt the Lord guiding me at each major turn. I spent four years in the US Air Force where I didn’t stay anywhere much more than two years. The Lord blessed me in each place and I learned some valuable lessons. Through prayer, Bible study, and some good recommendations, He led me to Portland to attend Multnomah Bible College. As graduation neared, I did not feel Him leading me to go somewhere else, and several people encouraged me to stay in Portland. I remembered two pastors telling me that if God isn’t telling you to go, then stay. I realized that advice was for that situation.
I stayed in Portland and scraped by for a year as a substitute school custodian, applying for jobs. The Lord taught me some lessons that year. My first year out of college ended with me landing a great job that would allow me to stay in Portland and support myself. I never quit the substitute custodian job. For over 14 years I have been blessed with two jobs that pay my bills and then some.
As I came into this mid-life and mid-career point, I had quite a few frustrating experiences. Doubts arose and I started questioning the course that I was on. Should I change jobs? Should I go for a promotion where I am? Do I belong in Oregon, or should I move somewhere else? I prayed over these questions and others several times, but God didn’t answer. It seemed like God answered more of my prayers years ago than He does now.
Just recently the answer came to me. It was the advice I received years ago—if God isn’t telling you to go, then stay. I realized something as I prayed, heard some good sermons at the Portland Area SDB Church, and studied some of the Old Testament prophets. I realized that it could be a good thing that I did not get a message from God this time. In scripture, God sends messages directly to people through prophets, angels, the Holy Spirit, and even a donkey in Numbers 22. What were most of these messages? Warning, you are sinning, repent! Warning, destruction is coming, get out of the way! Warning, you are opposing Me, turn around! Maybe I should be glad I have not been in a position to receive one of these messages mid-life.
Yes, God does send messages directly to people that are positive affirmations of what they are to do. I received my share of those messages through the Holy Spirit, the Scriptures, and the saints years ago. It is time to stay on the course He set me on years ago. My coworker’s father had the wisdom to stay on the course and not pull stunts in the middle of a flight. I need to trust in my heavenly father’s wisdom to follow the course He put me on and not pull any stunts.