Jan 24, 2020
It was the first day of the new school year. The young children starting Kindergarten were excited. Miss Allen was excited, too. It was her first day of teaching. She greeted each child with a happy face.
Miss Allen told the class that the first project would be drawing a picture of their favorite thing.
Each child was given a large white sheet of paper and a new box of crayons.
Miss Allen walked around the room looking at the pictures being drawn. She thought the pictures were very interesting.
Mary drew a picture of a cat. Anne drew a picture of her new school shoes. Tom drew a picture of a large star in red and blue. Jack drew a picture of a green truck. Billy’s entire page was colored bright yellow. Miss Allen asked him to explain his picture.
Billy said, “It is a picture of God.”
Miss Allen shook her head. “No one knows what God looks like,” she gently explained.
“Now they will!” said Billy with a big smile on his little face. “God is Light. The Light of the World. My teacher at church told me,” he said with pride. “I made my picture yellow like light. It is my favorite thing, ‘cause it makes me feel happy.”
May God bless you and keep you. May you feel the love of God and walk in His light.
This short story is from the book, “And No One Can Change My Mind.” The story is written by one of the founding members of Philadelphia SDB Church. She is 92 years old.
—Mrs. Virginia Ayars
Philadelphia Seventh Day Baptist Church