Jan 24, 2020
Seventh Day Baptists are somewhat unique in our Sabbath belief in that we keep the seventh day Sabbath as motivated primarily out of our love for God and our desire to be in the blessings prescribed to that holy day. Our Statement of Belief says this about the Sabbath:
We believe that the Sabbath of the Bible, the seventh day of the week, is sacred time, a gift of God to all people, instituted at creation, affirmed in the Ten Commandments and reaffirmed in the teaching and example of Jesus and the apostles. We believe that the gift of Sabbath rest is an of God’s eternal presence with His people. We believe that in obedience to God and in loving response to His grace in Christ, the Sabbath should be faithfully observed as a day of rest, worship, and celebration.
The General Conference’s Vision Map would describe the seventh day Sabbath as one of SDB’s core values this way:
We are a people who lovingly observe the seventh day (Saturday) as a day of rest. It is a blessing, not an obligation.
With these beliefs in mind, here are seven practical ways that we can use the observance of the seventh day Sabbath as a blessing in rest, worship, and celebration.
1. Fix Your Eyes on Working Enough on the Other Six Days
Along with the command to rest on the Sabbath, we
are commanded to work six days. Use the rest of your
week to help you keep the Sabbath holy and to keep
non-emergencies off of your plate for the Sabbath.
2. Fix Your Eyes on Providing Some Transition Time
Between Work and Rest
When you are running on the treadmill of our busyness
during the week and you try to just step off for the
Sabbath, you are likely to fall flat on your face. Give
yourself some time to transition from the secular to
the sacred.
3. Fix Your Eyes on the Windows instead of the
On Sabbath, prioritize looking through the squares
that are in the walls of your home (windows) rather
than the squares on the walls of your home (televisions).
Consider the things that God has created (nature)
more than the things that man has created (movies,
shows, games).
4. Fix Your Eyes on your Family instead of Your
Consider a 24-hour technology or media fast for
Sabbath day. Your influence can be replaced on the
Internet but not in your home.
5. Fix Your Eyes on the Bride instead of Your
Sabbath is the perfect day to worship and spend time
with your church (the bride of Christ). She is just as
important as the bridegroom and certainly more
important than your plans.
6. Fix Your Eyes on Recreation instead of Vocation
Focus in on activities that help you relax or build rela-
tionships with others. This is Kingdom productivity
that your boss at work would never encourage.
7. Fix Your Eyes on Your Eyelids
Nap. Do it. Catch up your sleep. Cuddle your spouse or
kids. Turn your phone off. No one worries while they
are unconscious. All of the world’s problems will still
be there on Sunday.