Feb 27, 2020
By Pastor Scott Hausrath
One of the things I enjoy most about church camp is playing. I’m just a kid in an adult’s body, so I really love playing the classic campfire games, e.g., Prince of Paris, Mrs. Mumbles, and Psychiatrist. I don’t participate in the “recreation” times as much as I used to (getting old!), but I like seeing the campers having a blast with Duck Duck Goose, Ships & Sailors, and Link Tag.
I’ve had the privilege of serving as Camp Pastor many times, and I love interacting with the campers and sharing our journey as both they and I are growing in our connection with God. Whether it’s during our daily Bible class, our vespers service, or a one-on-one conversation, I love sharing spiritual truth with souls who are open to God. It’s also been a deep joy whenever I’ve had the honor of baptizing some of the campers in the North Loup River. That’s a special experience! We do it on the last day of camp, with the campers’ family members present, and it lifts everyone’s spirits tremendously.
Another thing I enjoy each year is witnessing, once again, the “flow” of camp. At the beginning of the week, most of the campers are tentative in their connections with others, but as the week progresses they start to let down their guards, and they become more vulnerable and more open to connecting. By the time their parents come to take them home at the end of camp, many campers don’t want to leave their new friends. It’s such a joy to see young souls learn how to open their hearts to new people and new experiences.
Finally, I appreciate the opportunity to build friendships with adults during the week of camp. I’ve been blessed to pray with fellow camp staffers during our daily staff meetings; I’ve enjoyed talking with the parents of campers during special events; I’ve felt the fellowship of connecting with church members as they’ve come to camp to brings snacks, to do some maintenance work, or to give us rides to/from the North Loup swimming pool.
For me, it’s all about the relationships. Over the years, church camp has served as a catalyst for building my relationship with God, and my relationships with others who are seeking Him. I’m a much richer person because of church camp.
June 21–27:
Junior/Intermediate Camp for campers going into 4th–8th grades this fall.
Registration forms and information at www.northloupsdb.org/camp-riverview
Scott Hausrath has been pastoring the North Loup, NE Seventh Day Baptist congregation since 2012. He seeks to walk with Jesus.