Feb 27, 2020
By Sarina Gumness
The story of Gideon can be seen as a story of trusting God to lead us step by step. In a time of unsureness, of not fully feeling the belief in ourselves, we can trust that there will be a positive result and we will come out on top.
Gideon’s story starts with him threshing wheat in a wine press to hide it from the Midianites so they could not take it away from him. While Gideon worked, the angel of the Lord appeared to him and told him, “The Lord is with you, valiant warrior.” Gideon questioned the angel asking, “If the Lord is truly with me, then why is all the bad stuff happening to me?” He was asking where the Lord had been as if He wasn’t there. The Lord spoke through the angel and told Gideon that he was to lead Israel into battle, and that he would lead the country to victory.
Gideon was not the typical man who was expected to be chosen for a leader, especially for Israel. But as we know from other stories, God never goes the typical route. Gideon had faith in God, but his faith was said to be weak. God chose this man for His work and then equipped him with the Spirit for the task.
Gideon had a cloud of discouragement over him because of the troubles and poverty of his people. It took him time to come to terms with what God wanted for him. Gideon decided in order to believe what he was hearing was true, he needed a sign. He told the angel, “If you will remain here until I return again and bring you a present, then I will believe that you have surely spoken to me the words of God.” The angel waited until Gideon returned with some food, but then instead of eating it, the angel told Gideon to place the meat and bread upon a rock nearby and to pour out the broth. Gideon did as told. The angel then touched the meat and bread with a staff which he carried in his hand. Like a flash the rock flamed up in fire and burned the meat and bread. The angel then disappeared out of sight. This gave Gideon the confirmation which he needed in order to believe.
The people where Gideon lived were worshiping the idol called Baal. Even Gideon’s father had an altar of Baal standing in his yard. The Lord spoke to Gideon again that same night and told him to tear the altar down and destroy the trees nearby where the people bowed down before the images of Baal. Gideon knew people would grow angry if they saw him tear down the altar, so he did it in secret with the help of some servants. He cut down the grove of trees where they worshiped the idol and tore down the altar of Baal. A new altar was built to the living God and a sacrifice was offered.
Judges 6:34 says, “then the spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon.” With the Spirit, Gideon sent messengers to different parts of the land and called the soldiers of Israel together. But first, Gideon wanted to be sure that God would be with him before he tried to drive the Midianites away. So he asked again for a sign from God. This time at nightfall he placed a piece of wool on a smooth floor where no roof had been built overhead. Gideon asked God to cause only the fleece of wool to become wet with dew. When morning came, he found the ground dry everywhere, but the fleece of wool was covered with dew. Gideon wrung a bowlful of water out of it. This did not satisfy Gideon. He prayed that God might not be angry with him if he should ask the third time for a sign. This time he asked God to make everything around the fleece wet except the fleece. Just like always, God proved to Gideon, causing him to believe.
Despite all of Gideon’s second guesses and need for proof, God continually was patient because He knew Gideon would be able to conquer and save Israel, despite his doubts. Maybe it’s time we grow patient with God, learn to trust Him, and understand that His plan is in progress. And no matter how scared, frustrated, or unprepared we feel, we will come out on top with God’s Spirit cloaked around us.