by Kevin Butler This year’s Conference theme of “Fix Your Eyes on Jesus” carries a dual meaning. We are called to affix our spiritual gaze on the Lord and follow Him (Hebrews 12:2). We might also need to take some corrective action to improve our physical vision so we can read God’s Word more easily. Part of my Conference promotion has been asking people to...
A Camping Heritage: Camp JOY — West Virginia

Feb 27, 2020
By Amanda Barbee Reflections from a Camp Board Member As once again the program committee is working hard to find directors, staff, and cooks, I sometimes wonder, in the craziness, why we do this. Then I take a deep breath and reflect and count our blessings. I have had the opportunity to read over the beginning minutes of the camp. They had a vision of...
A Camping Heritage: Camp Harley Sutton — New York

Feb 27, 2020
By Lyle Sutton Alfred Station SDB Church, NY Reprinted from the Sabbath Recorder 2014 Camp Harley Sutton is the center of church camping for the Seventh Day Baptist Allegheny Association of Churches. The camp is located in Alfred Station, NY, on land that was donated to the Association in 1951 by Dr. and Mrs. H.O. Burdick. In 2000, an adjacent parcel of land...
Bug Spray

Feb 27, 2020
By Damian Greene Do you have a smell that quickly moves you to another time and place? Is it a pie baking, a forest after a rainstorm, a turkey in the oven, or a pine tree just after being cut? For me, it’s the smell of bug spray. Any bug spray can act as a portal to take me back in time to another place. It is loud and exciting, and young people far outnumber...
A Sending Heritage

Feb 27, 2020
By Carl Greene, Executive Director I grew up in the Berlin Seventh Day Baptist Church in upstate New York. There are some interesting historical pieces from my fair town of Berlin (total population less than 2,000). According to some, Berlin was the world’s leading exporter of maple sugar during World War I (amazing how sugar rationing and a railroad siding can...