Mar 24, 2020
West Palm Beach SDB Church, FL
By Jasmine Lynch
Women’s Connection is a purpose-driven auxiliary of West Palm Beach Baptist Seventh Day Church. Membership is open to all members and by extension their female friends and families. Members are encouraged to join in making a ripple effect in our communities by taking their place and making their contribution. Together we seek out untapped potentials so we, too, can contribute to the change we hope to see in our churches.
Women’s Connection meets the second Sunday of each month from 5:00-7:00 p.m. One of our many goals includes developing sisterhoods of deepened and meaningful relationships. Through coaching/mentoring, building leadership skills, networking, developing, empowering, and serving, we have come to realize other contemporary challenges to ministry and are assessing them for improvement. Women’s Connection administers the worship service every fifth Sabbath in a month.
Last year, we participated in a range of outreach events. Whether the events included empowerment workshops, knitting, jewelry assembling, culinary art, family social, or connecting to resources within our communities, we supported and empowered each other. All things considered, the moment a woman becomes aware of her gifting, she inspires a shift that has the potential to cause mass changes. Under the right guidance and conditions, many could benefit from her talent and it sparks an interest that will hopefully attract other women to join in our cause, therefore, extending the range of evangelism.
This year, we are starting with a tea party. On February 9, 2020, Women’s Connection will be having a semi-formal Tea Party and on February 29 the women will administer the worship service. The theme for this month: “Women Making the Best of Today in Jesus Christ” and the color for the day is Red.
- Trip to Peanut Island
- Vision Board Building at a Brunch
- Women Facilitated Worship Service
- Women Made Bracelets