Apr 28, 2020
By Rev. Nicholas J. Kersten
Director of Education and History
In the days since the national response to the COVID-19 situation began, I’ve spoken with many Seventh Day Baptists, and one of the things I keep hearing is that people are trying to find silver linings—good outcomes that might result from this terrible situation. Everyone I’ve talked to has been honest that a global pandemic and economic crisis isn’t a good thing, but they remain optimistic that from the crisis, God will turn the results to some good purpose. I’ve heard suggestions about possible spiritual revival, reinvigoration of the environment, reestablishment of families, breaking our bondages to busyness, and a variety of other good outcomes suggested.
Let me offer one other possible good in all of this: God may be equipping you, or moving to equip you, for the ministry work He has called you to in this time. Obviously, not everyone is sitting home binging on Netflix, but the changing rhythms have given many of us new and different opportunities with what we do with our time. There are fewer opportunities to leave home. Fewer opportunities to fill our calendars with things to keep us busy. There are more opportunities to engage in that sharpening we have long meant to do!
For this reason, the Christian Education Council has been considering things we can do to aid you in the equipping God may want to accomplish in you in this season. While we don’t have a specific new program for you, some of our existing programs might be right up your alley!
Are you a member in your local church who is looking for some additional skills as you lead and serve in your local church? Then the Lay Leadership Certificate program (or at least a module or two of it) might be just right for you! There are six modules available, covering topics from basic Bible Interpretation to SDB distinctives, to discipling others, to being on God’s mission wherever you’ve been planted! If you’re interested in getting started, you should talk with your pastor, as you will need to find a mentor to walk with you through the program. You can pay $30 and gain access to all six modules though there are some additional fees for some course materials which would be your responsibility to gain access to (but all of which can be ordered online!). We can send the modules to you digitally!
Are you a leader in your local church who is serving in a leadership role and you are needing additional training? If your church affirms your calling, the Ministry Leadership Certificate program might be for you! There are eight classes in the program, taught using online educational systems by SDB pastors from around our Conference. If you are interested in this program (or the previous one), you can find out more information online at: https://seventhdaybaptist.org/sdbu, where you can select the option to see program details for this program!
Are you looking to bolster your evangelism skills or those of your church? We have a variety of resources which are being tested and used to great effect in local SDB churches which we would love to talk to you about! There are called and talented people engaging in new evangelism work all over our Conference who can tell you about the exciting things God is doing in and through them in this time.
If there are additional things you feel the Lord moving you to learn and be equipped for in this season, please contact me and let me know what you’re looking for—it’s possible that God may be moving in you and others to create a new program or explore a new resource which could benefit many people. In addition, we have access to learning management software which may be useful to you or your church in this time, which we could make available to you, depending on your program needs! We desire to help you make the most of every opportunity in this season, so that you and your church are ready for the next thing the Lord wants to do!