Apr 28, 2020
By Valerie Probasco
S So you have pre-teens, teenagers, and young adults in your church? Sabbath school groups can be amazing vessels who can apply the concept of stewardship.
T Taking care of something or managing a resource well, that’s stewardship. Temporarily stepping into the role of molding and making the next generation of leaders is a very important thing to consider!
E Examples from the Bible which refer to stewardship include Genesis 2:15; Leviticus 25:1-5; and Psalm 24:1 to name a few. Examine the scriptures and recognize that God is Lord of all and He has asked us to join with Him in taking care of His wonderful world, including the people in it.
W We are to be wise in stewarding the gifts God has bestowed upon us, but this does not simply mean teaching our youth how to manage tithes and offerings according to Godly principles. Wouldn’t you agree our young people ARE the gifts we should be stewarding?
A “All to Jesus” is the name of our young people’s Sabbath School class, and they picked this name themselves. Already they have acknowledged that their God created all things and can do all things. Already they are grasping the concept that all they have and all they do is as unto Him. Are we stewarding them in this way?
R Remember that term stewardship? Responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care. Really, it comes down to each adult being faithful in the position in which God has placed them in relationship to these young people. Reconsidering our role as teachers, parents, or congregants, we must realize that the fruit of His ministry is each one of them.
D Discipleship is a tool that we are learning about right now in the A2J Sabbath School Class. Discipleship and stewardship seem quite interconnected. Discipling each other into deeper relationship with Jesus while stewarding each other into deeper relationships within the work of the church have been exciting! Desiring to further His Kingdom together is the key, and even though the demographic in our class spans 7 decades, we are one in the Spirit.
S Sharing the resources of our time and talents has been part of the stewardship journey. Speaking truth and life into each other during lessons has translated into our youth and young adults taking active roles during worship and in the overall work of the church.
H Honoring God through service to others has been an outward sign of the stewardship that has been poured into our students. Helping those who need a hand without a moment’s hesitation has been a blessing to see.
I Investing in our young people has been the most valuable form of stewardship we could do. Individually and corporately encouraging them to stay involved is key. It is not simply the job of the Sabbath School teacher or youth leader. If you haven’t spoken directly into the life of at least one of your young people, I encourage you to do so!
P Prayerfully consider this statement: Leaders perform stewardship when they prepare for an organization’s future growth. Prioritize your stewardship on your young people. Pause and think where God is taking your church 50 years in the future and make stewardship decisions to join Him in His plans. Persistent, relentless protection and stewardship of our most valuable resource, our youth, will yield much fruit for the Kingdom. Pleading the precious blood of Jesus over us all! Amen.
Submitted by: Valerie Probasco