Apr 28, 2020
What People Say About the Sabbath and _____________________
I would like to testify to the real satisfaction and joy and rest which is ours. After a day filled with worship and leading a class in Bible study, and possibly visiting a sick friend, we can enjoy the rest which he alone can give. Isaiah 56:7, 8; 58:13, 14 give promise of just such delights and pleasure, which alone is enough compensation for all the effort put forth.
The preparation for the Sabbath and the Sabbath eve prayer meeting sets up a glad anticipation for the receptions and duties of the Sabbath, and we feel that we are riding upon the high places of the earth. We are claiming the promises and receiving the rewards even though what we do is commonplace and often times crude.
—R. C. Brewer, Riverside, CA
The Sabbath should be dear to the farmer because he is working in partnership with God. He sows the seeds and works the soil, but only God can give the increase. The farmer can plan his work to worship God on his holy Sabbath, and it should be very sacred to him because of his dealings with nature in his everyday tasks. God instituted the Sabbath to bring man into communion with the Creator of the world and the author of life. The Sabbath is a symbol of God’s presence in time and a pledge of eternal Sabbath rest. The world needs God’s holy Sabbath.
—Jerome Boyd, Woodbury, PA
The Home
Because homes and circumstances are never alike, we can only strive to reach a common goal of “love and reverence for God’s holy day.” No two people can observe the Sabbath in the same manner, but children and parents together can make it a day of joy, peace, and worship—a day different from any other day in the week, a day to be desired and loved, a day set apart.
—Maleta Curtis, Riverside, CA
“He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them,
he it is that loveth me.” —John 14: 21
It gives me joy to testify to the thrill that keeping Sabbath has given me through the years. One of the prime contributing factors to the share of success that has been mine in the business world is to be accredited to Sabbath keeping.
One phase of my experience is illustrated in the story of two friends of mine, Jacob Wright and Lee Abbey. These friends decided to keep Sabbath at about the same time and were both working for the Canadian Pacific Railway as mechanics. Jacob went to his superior and requested that if it were possible, he would like to refrain from work on Saturdays. His lack of confidence and lack of determination to live what he claimed to believe caused him soon to be without a job. Lee also went to his superior and told him about his religious experience and beliefs and ended by stating that in the future he would not be at work on Saturdays. His forthright sincerity impressed the foreman and he was soon promoted. Today he is chief master mechanic in that district.
—Albyn Mackintosh, Los Angeles, CA
The Sabbath was instituted for man’s good. Its occurrence every week is a reminder to man of God. Jesus honored it and used it for worship, and to proclaim the good tidings of the kingdom. Paul preached both to Jews and Gentiles on the Sabbath. It still affords opportunity for worship and the spread of the gospel of Christ.
—Verney A. Wilson, Nortonville, KS
Excerpts reprinted from The Sabbath Recorder dated April 29, 1946 Vol. 140, No. 17