We Plan, God Rules

We Plan, God Rules

Apr 28, 2020

by Kevin Butler




What a difference a virus makes.

I have been to every General Conference since 1982. Summer means Conference, and each one has made an impact on my life.

On a number of my presidential visits this year, I played a sort of “parlor game” where I asked the people to shout out a year (from 1982 forward), and I would name the location of Conference and who served as president.

1992!! “Oh, yes… that was in Waukesha, Wisconsin, with Mynor Soper as president.”

2003!! “Um, George Cruzan served as president, and we were in Newberg, Oregon.”

1989!! “That was the year Luan Ellis ‘Shared the Joy’ out in Portland, Oregon.”

2015!! “Let’s see, back in Amish country… Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and Bill Probasco was president.”

And now, 2020!!



Ain’t gonna happen.

For the first time since World War II, we’ve had to cancel our General Conference annual session.

My page for this month’s SR was already written. I was to

announce who would be leading our Conference Bible studies, along with each of the worship service speakers and how they fix their eyes on Jesus in their unique ministry situation.

I don’t say that to make you feel sorry for me. I want to thank those servants who immediately said “Yes” to my request. Their cheerful willingness to exercise their gifts was the highlight of my year.

All this is like the refrigerator magnet we had for years at the SDB Center: “We plan, God laughs.” I guess I prefer: “We plan, God rules.”

This time of waiting reminds me of a big life event for us. Our second child was due to arrive on Valentine’s Day—on that exact holiday, since it was a scheduled C-section. My in-laws drove from New York to be with us in Ohio and watch big sister Jenny. We were going to have a baby!

Janet was admitted to the hospital the night before, and the preparations for surgery began. A beautiful sunrise greeted me as I drove from the seminary campus into Columbus. We were going to have a baby!

My lovely bride was lying on the gurney outside the operating room. We were going to have a baby! Then the chief resident came out to talk to us.

“I just reviewed your latest test results. I’m not sure who gave the go-ahead for this, but the numbers show that your baby’s lungs might not be fully developed. We need to wait another week.”


All of that anticipation. Our extended family waiting to hear. The whole campus excited for us. A busy and tired dairy farmer taking the time off to be with us.

You bet there were tears and feelings of disappointment! Why this glitch in communication? Why us? Why?

In our heads we knew that waiting was the best thing for our soon-to-arrive child; why have her begin life struggling on a ventilator?

Dad Davis drove back to the farm while Mom stayed with us. There were some stares of concern from fellow students who saw us walking around campus with no new bundle in our arms. We had “some ‘splaining to do.”

A week passed. The anger and questions subsided, the tears dried. Janet gave birth to a beautiful healthy girl.

As we endure today’s major interruption in “our” plans, this rare pause in our Conference cycle is an opportunity to truly fix our eyes on Jesus, and come back together even stronger. Yes, we’ll miss the hugs and laughter and fellowship and worship (and ice cream) in 2020, but this is out of our hands. Thankfully, we are in His. He will lead us through this pandemic.

Whatever these coming months hold for us as a Conference of churches, my prayer is that we truly focus on what—and Who—is important. Call on His wisdom and remember that He rules!

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