May 29, 2020
Andy Samuels
Chief Executive Director
SDB Missionary Society
When will we get back to normal? When will this pandemic be over? How will life be after all of this? Most of us have asked those questions at some time in the past two to three months. And there are no clear answers. Within our family of faith, many have also asked, “How are Seventh Day Baptists doing around the world?”
By no means is this an exhaustive report, but here is some of what we’ve been hearing from different regions around the globe:
Africa Fewer cases are reported than in some other parts of the world. The lockdown of countries has put a huge burden on the poor with elevated food prices, scarcities, inability to work and earn a living. Not all countries instituted a lockdown, but those that continue to meet do practice social distancing and other safety measures. South Africa has had the most cases in Africa, but so far we have not had any direct word from Seventh Day Baptists there. Malawi, which is the country that has the most Seventh Day Baptists in the world, also has one of the lowest counts of corona cases of all the African countries.
Asia Lockdowns in the Philippines and in India created great hardship for many of our people. Prices for basic food items skyrocketed, and opportunities for earning an income became very limited, especially for day-laborers.
Australia Government acted early to restrict travel into the country, so that significantly limited the number of virus cases. Churches could not gather to meet, but have been connecting by other means.
Brazil Many corona cases in the country; no church gatherings, but alternate ways of communing as the church have been adopted.
Europe This is one of the hardest hit regions of the world, in terms of the virus. In the Netherlands, all large public gatherings have been canceled until September 1, 2020. Our brethren in the United Kingdom have been faithfully meeting on Zoom for worship services, prayer meetings, and Bible Study.
Jamaica There was a spike in virus cases after the first month of relatively effective containment. Our churches have thrived on Zoom and WhatsApp, since they are unable to meet physically.
USA & Canada Overall, the United States has the highest number of COVID-19 cases and deaths. The pandemic has shut down the country on so many levels. Our SDB Churches in North America have shown tremendous resilience, ingenuity, and receptivity to novel ways of doing church. Zoom, GoToMeeting, Facebook, YouTube, Free Conference Call, and other platforms have become the new paradigm for church gatherings and ministries.
In spite of all the tragedy, hurt, upheaval, chaos, and financial distress brought on by the corona pandemic, I have not heard of a Seventh Day Baptist member dying from the virus anywhere in the world. We give the Lord thanks for His incredible mercy.
5K Event One of the fallouts from this dreaded pandemic is the cancellation of the annual summer gathering of the Seventh Day Baptist General Conference of the USA & Canada. That is a huge disappointment for many, and it will be missed. For the last few years, during that annual gathering, the Missionary Society has orchestrated a 5K event to raise funds for specific global ministries. This year, although there will be no Conference gathering, there will be a 5K event—virtually. Participants may run or walk the distance anywhere, with anyone, and anytime, although we are designating Friday, July 31, as the date for the “official” event. Registration details will be available and publicized soon. All proceeds from the event will go towards helping our overseas conferences with their COVID-19 relief efforts.
Directors’ Availability While we’re in this pandemic period, the Directors of the Missionary Society, Pastor Andy Samuels and Pastor Garfield Miller, are available to visit and share with your church virtually. We are willing to preach to, teach, meet with, and encourage your church for the present time—and the days ahead. Send us an email at info@sdbmissions.org with your request. May the Lord’s grace be upon us all, so that as His people, we come out of this season stronger and wiser than ever before.