May 29, 2020
By John J. Pethtel
Director Church Development & Pastoral Services
Christ-likeness is both the goal and the promise given to all disciples of Christ. Our path to Christ-likeness begins in recognizing who Christ is and what He has done for us. He then becomes our example for how to live out the faith that we have been entrusted with. It is also His promise to us that we will become like Him (partially in this world due to the Holy Spirit and fully in the world to come).
In our pursuit of Christ, and therefore, Christ-likeness, what are some qualities to focus on in particular? Sam Crabtree in his book, Practicing Affirmation, gives us some targets to aim at in our Christian walk.
1. Truthfulness.
Jesus is the faithful witness (Revelation 1:5), the most truthful being in existence, the One for whom it is impossible to lie (Titus 1:2). What truths have you been believing or sharing that have no heavenly value and only serve as witness to your personal preferences or ideologies?
2. Obedience.
Jesus is the most obedient being ever to live, having never once disobeyed the Father in thought, word, or deed.
3. Forgiveness.
Jesus is the most forgiving being in existence. He extends mercy to every sinner who confesses his sinfulness to God and trusts in Jesus to pay the penalty for his indifference and rebellion.
4. Awareness.
No one is more woke than Jesus. Being aware of what’s going on around Him and responding to each event and each person in each and every
instance, He is aware of how He presents Himself to others.
5. Hospitality.
Jesus is the prince of hospitality as He has gone to prepare dwelling places for every believer.
6. Diligence.
No one surpasses Jesus in applying all His energies to accomplish what the Father has given Him to do.
7. Initiative.
Jesus acts. He does not idly watch injustice happen. He does not wait to be cajoled, recruited, or talked into doing what needs to be done.
8. Dependability.
Nobody is more dependable than Jesus, for all the promises of God are “yes” and “amen” in Him (2 Corinthians 1:20).
In every believer, there’s going to be a shortfall in your truthfulness, obedience, forgiveness, awareness, hospitality, diligence, initiative, and dependability compared to Christ. However, with God’s grace and the Holy Spirit saturating the gospel of Jesus in and throughout your life, you can more faithfully represent these qualities in your witness of Jesus.