Aug 30, 2020
Kevin Butler, Conference President
Let us keep our
eyes fixed on Jesus,
on whom our faith depends from
beginning to end.
—Hebrews 12:2
I worked closely with 27 different Conference Presidents during my time as editor of the Sabbath Recorder. And I had asked several of them for their advice in approaching my Conference year.
I asked them how they went about planning their travels, choosing their seminars, how it was to conduct the business sessions…
But this spring, I couldn’t ask ANY of them this question: “What did you do when they CANCELED your Conference meetings?”
For the first time since World War II, the face-to-face meetings of Conference week did not take place.
This was historic!!
In 2020, we had our eyes on the Coronavirus pandemic; finances and unemployment and the lockdown; political wrangling and loss of mass gatherings; area re-openings by certain phase numbers; racism and social justice issues; and so much more.
The media and the news outlets wanted to “catch” our eyes and ears, and hearts, and minds, and money…
The Bible tells us in Hebrews 12:2 to “FIX our EYES on JESUS!”
As with so many other events in 2020, our General Conference meetings went “virtual.” I hope you were able to participate in the virtual Gospel Feet 5K run; our Council Directors’ presentations and Q & A sessions; various youth and children’s activities; morning Bible studies led by Matthew Butler; SDB “Spirit Week” daily activities; an evening of praise music led by South East Atlanta church; a Pastor and Spouse Forum led by Carl and Cindy Greene; interviews with international guests by our Missionary Society; and a classic Hymn Sing with Don and Charlotte Chroniger to welcome the Sabbath.
I pray that all through this one-of-a-kind year, that you were able to Fix Your Eyes on what and Who was truly important, and I hope that it was a fulfilling and positive “Virtual Conference” experience.