Aug 30, 2020
Regardless of what we have faced during this trying time, the Lord still gave us time for General Conference, even if we could not meet in person. The Youth Conference was no different, meeting Sunday night on July 26 at 7pm (EDT). Run by Debbie Bond, we were able to talk to fellow Seventh Day Baptists whom many of us had not seen since last Conference. We played games such as Would You Rather, and we heard from a few guest speakers. Omari Rhoden of the Toronto SDB Church spoke about being “all in” as believers, shown by David facing Goliath without any armor and only a sling and five stones. Even through the contempt of his brothers and the threats of Goliath, David trusted in the Lord and was able to defeat Goliath by His hand. Ben Calhoun sent us a video giving us a virtual tour of the studio where he works as a member of Citizen Way, and he also encouraged us to study Scripture during trials in our lives. Shiloh Assistant Pastor Tyler Chroniger tied everything together and helped us remember to not be distracted from the Truth, keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus. He talked about Peter walking on water and sinking when he took his eyes off Jesus. Jesus then reached down to rescue Peter after he cried out for help, just as we can trust Him to help us when we lose our focus.
Last year the theme for the Youth Conference was “I am not the future, I am the now.” Even as both look uncertain, we should not be afraid about what tomorrow will bring. As Jesus said in Matthew 6:34, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” The Lord will bring us out of this and together again, and until that time we should continue to pray for each other, as well as the healing of our nation and the world.
I would like to thank the Lord for being with us through this time; Debbie Bond for arranging the Youth Conference get-together; as well as Omari Rhoden and Tyler Chroniger for bringing us two great messages. I would also like to thank Ben Calhoun for sending us his video and encouragement; and finally, thanks to all of the youth who attended the get-together. Hope to see you in person in 2021. The youth are looking forward to all the ways God will show each of us that we are being restored for a purpose!
Submitted by:
William J. Probasco, Jr.
The Seventh Day Baptist Church of Shiloh, NJ