Nov 1, 2020
by John J. Pethtel
Director of Church Development
Director of Pastoral Services
What have you (yes, YOU!) been called to do by God?
Have you been called to be a leader?
Leadership is not exactly what the world tells us it is. Sure, there are some who are uber gifted at managing things or in inspiring others. But what the world says a leader should be is not where God bases His calling on your life.
Some short challenges to you (yes, YOU!) to live into your calling as a leader:
• Kingdom leadership is simply using your gifts, skills, talents, resources, and influence to actively advance God’s Kingdom.
• Jesus calls us to be both disciples and disciple-makers. He calls us to lead ourselves and to lead others. Who is influencing/discipling you? Who are you influencing/discipling?
• The best leaders are good followers. How good are you at supporting your leaders?
• Everyone is a minister/missionary in a Seventh Day Baptist church. That means YOU! That means your pastor. That means the other members.
Minister and witness to others. Let others minister and witness to you.
● Church leadership is about more than pastors, deacons, the board, and voting. It is about living out the mission of your church and His Kingdom.
• The best leaders don’t create disciples that look exactly like them. This is because developing leaders is not about curriculum. It is about calling and character. The best leaders coach others into becoming the God-created versions of themselves.
• Find your spiritual gifts. These are not just what a “test” tells you they are. They are lived out and verified by those in your church.
• Leaders are stewards who know they don’t own anything but yet feel “ownership” over what God has entrusted to them. If you can be entrusted with a little, you may be given responsibility for more.
• Seventh Day Baptists need your leadership NOW! Your voice is needed!
Your gifts are needed! Your influence is needed! YOU are the church!
YOU are Seventh Day Baptists!
What is your next step in the calling of leadership that God has for you? Does any of this sound interesting to you? If you want help in leading yourself or others, please talk to a pastor or to one of the Conference Directors. If you want to support those seeking positions of leadership in local churches or the General Conference, please consider giving financially to “Leadership Development” in your gift to the General Conference.