Nov 1, 2020
Reprinted from The Sabbath Recorder dated May 19, 1947
Roof and Loft Burned; Interior Damaged by Water
SALEM, WV—Fire which broke out in the upper cornice of the building, seriously damaged the Salem Seventh Day Baptist church at about 10 a.m. Sunday morning, May 4. Damage as estimated by Fire Chief, Winston Davis, was set at $8,000 to $10,000, being mostly to the burned roof and loft, and water and smoke damage to the interior and floor.
Volunteers braved a collapsing roof to cover the organ with salvage covers to protect it from water. When the fire was extinguished, it was discovered that the ceiling had collapsed and left the charred rafters and beams exposed under the burned roof.
Much credit is due to the quick and efficient work of volunteers who carried all pews, carpets, and all movable fixtures from the church in such a short time that they were largely out of harm’s way by the time firemen were able to get water into the building, thus saving them from great damage.
The Salem Seventh Day Baptist church was considered a landmark since it was established in Salem by its early members in 1792. The present structure has been in use since its dedication in 1901. There have been three previous church buildings on the same site. The first was a log building which was built in 1795 and was later destroyed by fire. The second church was finished in 1801 and served as a meeting place for the congregation until just before the Civil War. It was replaced by a frame building which was in use until 1900. The present brick structure followed that building.
A meeting of the church members Sunday night revealed invitations from at least three churches to use their building for worship until such time as the church could be restored to use. They decided to accept the Baptists’ offer for the first few weeks. Over $1,300 was subscribed at the meeting to complement the small sum of insurance that was carried. This fund is being augmented by citizens of Salem who are interested in the landmark building and desire to see it restored to its former condition.—Salem Herald
BULLETIN. – Fire seriously damaged Salem church Sunday morning, May 4. Baptist and Methodist congregations left their services to fight fire and help salvage furnishings. Cost of restoration likely to be $15,000. Insurance inadequate. Plans already underway to rebuild. Ansel Hutson, crippled newsstand operator, first to make a contribution, saying, “This is my beginning.” (More details next week.)
Reprinted from The Sabbath Recorder dated May 12, 1947 Vol. 142, no. 19.