Jan 15, 2021
Reprinted from The Sabbath Recorders dated from 1935 through 1948
Our Letter Exchange
Dear Mrs. Greene:
I am eight years old and in the fourth grade. I have three brothers younger than myself. Their names are Duane, Kenneth, and Roger….
I hope you had a nice Christmas. We did. On Christmas day there were about twenty-five of us at the home of one of my uncles. We had a big tree and lots of nice presents.
Your friend,
Olin Davis.
Rome, N. Y.,
December 30, 1934
Dear Olin:
You have written to me before, have you not, when you were quite a bit younger? Probably you have not forgotten the big mistake I made about your name, actually changing it to “Olive” when your letter was really a fine boy’s letter. And that summer I saw you at Conference. Do you remember? I’ll never make that mistake again, I promise….
Your sincere friend,
Mizpah S. Greene.
Dear Mrs. Greene:
I haven’t written to you in a long time so I am going to write now.
We are having two weeks of Christmas vacation because we are going into a new schoolhouse January seventh….
My teacher’s name is Miss Helen Bouman.
We had a nice Christmas….
Mama is pulling lace, Daddy is getting John to sleep, Abby is doing dishes, Daniel is reading, Betty is in bed asleep….
Your little friend,
Madeline P. Crandall.
Hope Valley, R. I.
January 1, 1935
Dear Madeline:
It is good to hear from you again. I am glad you started the new year by writing to me….
Christmas is one of the happiest times in the whole year, is it not? The birthday of Jesus, the blessed time of loving and giving, that is Christmas; as one dear little girl has said, “The love day.”
Sincerely your friend,
Mizpah S. Greene.
Vol. 118 No. 3 https://www.sdbhistory.org/resources/sabbath-recorder-archives/
Dear Mrs. Greene:
I haven’t written to you for a long time….
I like to read the letters in the Sabbath Recorder. I got a lot for Christmas, and I hope the other Recorder children did, too.
There usually are five in my Sabbath school class, but when they are all there, there are seven. My Sabbath school teacher’s name is Mrs. Bertha Clement.
My grandma’s birthday is on Christmas day. She was a Christmas present….
Your Recorder friend,
Eulala Davis.
North Loup, Neb.
Dear Eulala:
I was ever so glad to hear from you once more, for as you say you had not written in quite a long time….
…Old Santa was pretty good to me, too, and what do you think? I attended three Christmas parties, giving and receiving a gift at each one….
Your Christian friend,
Mizpah S. Greene.
Vol. 140 No. 3 https://www.sdbhistory.org/resources/sabbath-recorder-archives/
Dear Mrs. Greene:
I have been reading the Children’s Page in the Sabbath Recorder for a long time, so I thought I would write a letter, too. I am nine and in the fourth grade….
We live on a small acreage. I have two sisters, Beverly and Katherine, and a brother, Gray. We go to the Denver Church, which has just recently started a Christian Endeavor and a youth choir. There are about twenty in our youth choir and in our Christian Endeavor. The youth choir went Christmas caroling to some of the members of the Church. We had a beautiful Christmas day, but no snow….
Your friend,
Myrna Davis.
Wheat Ridge, Colo.
Dear Myrna:
I am very much pleased to gain a new Recorder girl,…
I am glad you have such a nice group of young people and that you have organized both a Christian Endeavor and a youth choir. Some of the young people in Andover usually sing Christmas carols in front of every house where there is a Christmas candle in the window, but this year they didn’t.
Yours in Christian love,
Mizpah S. Greene.
Vol. 144 No. 3 https://www.sdbhistory.org/resources/sabbath-recorder-archives/