Jan 15, 2021
You ever feel down? Depressed? In the dumps? Lonely? Isolated? Misunderstood? Like nothing matters anymore? Like life… just… totally… sucks? Merry stinkin’ Christmas!
I don’t say this as a slam on Christmas. I say this to remind us that, although Christmas can be a season of deep joy and celebration, it can also be a season of sadness and struggle. Though we’d like to be “good Christians” and celebrate the amazing gift of Jesus, sometimes, if we’re truly honest about it, we’re just not in that space. Perhaps we’re wondering how we’ll survive the Holidays without that person who means so much to us. Or perhaps the season’s emphasis on family unity is painfully clashing with our own family’s disunity. Or perhaps this season is bringing back frightening memories of “celebrations” we just wanted to survive.
Whatever you’re feeling this Christmas, just remember the Christmas tree. The ornaments don’t make it a tree. God made it a tree.
This Christmas, remember that who you are is much more important than what you have (or don’t have).
“Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.” (Psalm 100:3)
Sharing the journey,
Pastor Scott Hausrath