Aug 29, 2017
by Clinton R. Brown
Executive Director
This year’s fifth annual Gospel Feet 5K Run
was organized to raise funds to better enable SDB ministries across the globe to bring hope to people in their communities in desperate situations. The funds bring hope to the lost, food to the hungry, water to the thirsty, aid to the sick, and homes for children who have no one.
This year’s 5K/1K Walk/Run had 58 participants. By the end of the General Conference meetings, $1,940 had been raised which the Missionary Society could use to partner in responding to needs near and far.
Everyone who participated was a winner, but the first gentleman to cross the finish line this year was Seth Green. Not far behind him, our first place lady to complete the 5-kilometer run was Gabi Osborn. And our first to finish representing the Children’s Conference this year was Aaron Barbee.
A big THANKS to all who participated, donated, and organized the event. It is an effort to which many contributed starting before the run began, and continues forward to bring the light of Hope in places of despair for God’s glory around the world.