AIM by Rob Appel Q. HOW DO WE FUND OUR SEVENTH DAY BAPTIST MINISTRIES? A. LOCAL CHURCHES: Tithes and offerings received from local churches who give to special appeals. Many churches tithe their local church budget to the work of the SDB Ministries. ASSOCIATIONS: Offerings at Association meetings. Most Associations have an assessment per member used for...
Behind the Scenes at the SDB Center

Feb 20, 2019
by Rob Appel, Executive Director The house lights dim, the music comes up, and the curtain opens for the play to begin. On stage, the cast appears before a picturesque set. Captivating dialogue, animated movement, and an inspiring tale introduces a magical world. The play often includes original choreographed dancing, live music, vibrant colors, mixed textures...
Your Vision
By Rob Appel Rarely will you start a trip without deciding first on a destination. However, most of us live life withoutever deciding on a destination. In 2010, my good friend Althea Rood was reading a book titled “Visioneering: God’s Blueprint for Developing and Maintaining Vision” by Andy Stanley. She was so inspired by the book that after she finished it she...
What Does Your Charitable Giving Say About You?

Dec 26, 2018
By Rob Appel So…we have a new tax law once again as we start to think about our 2018 taxes and our charitable giving. “The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” that was signed into law in the last days of 2017 did not, contrary to rumors, take away the deduction for gifts made to nonprofit charities. However, the law’s effect will be much the same. The reason is the near...
Pro and Con: Whether to Celebrate Christmas or NOT, My Personal Beliefs as Christ Follower
by Cheri Appel PRO: An Opportunity to Witness Here in North America, and in other countries, this is a time when many families gather. Memories are made. Cultural foods and activities are enjoyed. Traditions are passed from one generation to another. Family stories are retold. One’s heritage is remembered, along with family members of the past. When these...
There’s No “I” in Team! It’s Not About You

Oct 26, 2018
By Rob Appel On Wednesday mornings there is a group of men who meet for breakfast in Janesville, WI. One of the men had an “aha” moment after one of these gatherings. He realized “it” was not about him, but rather God! This gentleman had t-shirts made up that said on the front, “It’s Not About Me…” and on the back, “It’s Not About You Either!” There is...