by Rob Appel Executive Director Last month I wrote the top ten things I learned while in my current position. I’ve been in this job now for the past twelve and a half years. So, what have I learned? Please check out 11-22. 11. We are in this world, but not a part of it. Too many of our churches are starting to behave in ways that reflect this world, the society...
Life Lessons I’ve Learned (Part 1)
by Rob Appel Thirteen years ago this month the Transition Team, selected by the General Council, asked me to interview for the position of the Executive Director of the SDB Conference of USA & Canada. I couldn’t believe that they would want to talk to me — why me? I was involved in the Golf Industry for the past 20 years! What could I bring to the...
Agape Ministry Iglesia Bautista del Septimo Dia — Part 2

Jan 23, 2017
By: Pastors Joel and Judith Houts Part 1 is in the January Sabbath Recorder The Agape Ministry Iglesia Bautista del Septimo Dia has asked for membership in the Conference. This is a hope to let you get to know them better. As we tried reaching new people, our people were being harassed by others. One gentleman stopped coming as a result and joined another...
Agape Ministry Iglesia Bautista del Septimo Dia — Part 1

Dec 22, 2016
By: Pastors Joel and Judith Houts The Agape Ministry Iglesia Bautista del Septimo Dia has asked for membership in the Conference. This is a hope to let you get to know them better. I (Judith) first became aware of my call to serve God when I was about five years old. Joel’s call became real to him in the year 2000. The Agape Ministry, per se, began in Battle...
You Can Help Too!

Nov 28, 2016
by Rob Appel Executive Director The Seventh Day Baptist Standing Committee on Christian Social Action & Disaster Relief (CSADR) has been busy — especially in the area of disaster relief! The CSADR Committee is: Chairman, Norm Burdick (Riverside, CA); Danita Lee (Colorado Springs, CO); and Craig Mosher (Berlin, NY). SDB Executive Director, Rob Appel, is also...
Alliance in Ministry

Oct 26, 2016
Alliance in Ministry by Executive Director, Rob Appel What’s Going On? Redemption Evangelical Fellowship – Riverside, CA Nuestra mision es predicar el Evangelio de Nuestro Creador y Redentor Cristo Jesús. (Our mission is to preach the Gospel of our Creator and Redeemer Jesus Christ.)