by Rob Appel Executive Director On July 22, 2016, I wrote on my Facebook page the following: “I would appreciate it if all of my Facebook friends would check out things before they post them. We are all too quick to post something that we believe is true, without checking if it is true or not. Thank you! Also, we are posting things about one person we...
Feelin’ Groovy!

Jun 23, 2016
by Rob Appel Executive Director Many of you know that I like music from the 60’s, 70’s, and the 80’s. Many of you have tried, and a few stumped me, with music trivia. Many of you are wondering now, “What’s this have to do with Feelin’ Groovy?” I am glad you asked! The correct name for this song was, “The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin’ Groovy).” Paul Simon, of...
Just the Facts!
by Rob Appel Executive Director The Set Up During my travels this past six months, I have encountered a lot of confusion about the Conference, the Directors, locations, the Center, and of course, where I live and work. So allow me to clear up some of the confusion — at least for those of you who read the Sabbath Recorder. Here are the thoughts and...
California Here We Come!

Mar 18, 2016
By Rob Appel Executive Director The History The last time we had General Conference gathering in Southern California was 1993! Since 1949 we have been in SoCal a total of five times. That means between 1949 and 1993 we averaged about every eight years we would be there. So, what happened between 1993 and 2017? Why haven’t we been there? There are two...
by Rob Appel Executive Director Culture — The society we must create to realize our potential. This is the last in a series about the “Vision Map” that the General Council introduced last July at General Conference Sessions in Lancaster, PA. In December, 2015, I began a four-month series covering each side of the “Vision Map.” The “Vision Map” lays out...
Core Values
Core Values Rob Appel Executive Director Commitments that everybody lives by — Our nonnegotiable Last month I wrote about the General Conference sessions in July 2015 and the General Council sharing the “Vision Map.” This document laid out for the reader and viewer four distinct areas that the General Council believes define and move forward Seventh Day...