Reprinted from The Sabbath Recorder dated November 21, 1878 Prairie Fire in Nebraska A North Loup correspondent sends us an account of a very destructive prairie fire in that vicinity, by which our Sabbath-keeping friends were heavy sufferers, clipped from the Greeley County Tribune, date not given, from which we make the following extracts: On last Tuesday...
Celebrating “What The Lord Had Discovered” to Them
By Nick Kersten Director of Education & History “…We entered into a church covenant the 23 day of Dec. 1671…After Serious Consideration and Seeking gods face among our Selves for the lord to direct us in a right way for us our Children So as might be for Gods glory and our souls good and others Example. We Entered into Covenant with ye lord and with one...
Recording History Up Close & Personal

May 29, 2020
By Rev. Nicholas J. Kersten Director of Education and History In this month’s column, I’d like to gently nudge all of you. In this COVID season, things are moving both very quickly and exceedingly slowly, depending on your vantage. Because of a lack of good information, the situation around medical, governmental and economic reactions to...
Extreme Measures: Previous Conference Session Cancellations

Apr 28, 2020
Council on History Rev. Nicholas J. Kersten Director of Education and History As you read this issue of the Sabbath Recorder, word has reached you that our General Conference sessions this summer are canceled. As the situation progressed surrounding the consideration of canceling, I researched recent Conference cancellations on a recollection from...
Samuel and Tacy Hubbard: A Couple Devoted to God’s Sabbath

Jan 28, 2020
By Rev. Don A. Sanford [Editor’s note: Given the theme of the publication this month, we have elected to print this previously unpublished work from the beloved (and now departed) SDB Historian Don A. Sanford.] Few people in colonial times left as complete a record of the times and families as did Samuel Hubbard. Much of his journal was later used by such...
Ramping Up to Celebrate…350 years in America!

Dec 26, 2019
Council on History Rev. Nicholas J. Kersten Director of Education This issue of the Recorder represents the first in the new decade. From the historical perspective, these sorts of changes represent ripe opportunities for consideration, as obvious signs of the changes of times and seasons (see Genesis 1:14). Beyond these biblical injunctions, our Conference’s...