It was the first day of the new school year. The young children starting Kindergarten were excited. Miss Allen was excited, too. It was her first day of teaching. She greeted each child with a happy face. Miss Allen told the class that the first project would be drawing a picture of their favorite thing. Each child was given a large white sheet of paper and a...
My Disease

Oct 23, 2019
By Keith McCall Edgewater/Oak Hill, FL, SDB Church I have a disease more deadly than any knife. It has filled me with demons, anguish and strife. They call it addiction; it took over my life. My mind, body and soul were in constant pain. Depression consumed me like cold winter rain. On the t-shirt of society, I was considered a stain. Everything I worked for...
What’s more important, our circumstances or our character?
By Pastor Scott Hausrath North Loup SDB Church, NE I’m sure you all know the “church” answer to this question: “Why, Pastor Scott, of course our character is so much more important than our circumstances. Why would you even ask such an obvious question?” I think I’m asking the question more for my own sake than for anyone else’s. You see, I tend to forget this...
By Pastor Scott Hausrath North Loup SDB Church, NE Is a part of your life feeling stark, or cold, or even dead? Perhaps your marriage, though it began on a warm spring day, is now feeling the bitter chill of winter. Perhaps your job is no longer the source of excitement and joy that it used to be. Maybe even your relationship with God lacks the fire that it...
New Year’s Resolutions

Dec 22, 2016
by Donna VanHorn You may be one of those folks who pooh-pooh the idea of New Year’s resolutions. If it has to do with promising to exercise more often, or taking decadent desserts off the menu, then I’m totally in your corner. Seriously though, I’m guessing that deep in your heart, you have at least secret regrets about some of your thoughts or behaviors in the...
The Grace of God
by Andrés Jara Andrés has been involved in international media ministry for more than a decade As you walk on the streets you may see people struggling with different things, like gossip, pornography, alcoholism, depression, addictions, etc. The fact is that we all struggle, we all fall under the category of “sinners” and have fallen short of the glory of God....