Breathing, Being and Benedictions by Kevin Butler After my Korner in June, some people were hoping to hear my plan for what I’ll be doing next. Here it is: Breathing. I want to pull back from a quarter-century of deadlines and just breathe for a bit. I want to concentrate on “being” more than doing. In April, I was immensely blessed to participate in a...
More Than Just An Editor

May 23, 2014
More Than Just An Editor by Kevin Butler Before coming here to the SDB Center, I had the privilege of working in a number of different occupations. Each summer during high school and college I was employed at a local telephone company, working my way up from trimming branches off the lines to installing new phones. After college I got security clearance...
Thankful, or Taken for granted?
Thankful, or Taken for granted? By Kevin Butler As the calendar pages flip quickly toward the end of June, I’ve received a number of notes and e-mails thanking me for serving as editor. Many have said that they will miss reading this page. I’ve been humbled by how these words have made an impact. Some readers have used these “Korners” as devotionals at...
Some Things I Will Miss

Mar 21, 2014
Some Things I Will Miss by Kevin Butler The reminiscing continues as my June 30 end date looms. While I probably won’t regret giving up the constant deadlines and myriad of Conference responsibilities, I will certainly miss the people. I’ve enjoyed some good relationships with Center employees, with fellow members of the Coordinating Leadership Team...
A confirmation in the early years

Feb 21, 2014
A confirmation in the early years by Kevin Butler Uh-oh. The reminiscing begins as we head toward my stepping down in June… It’s kind of exciting—and embarrassing—to look back at my first SR issue, April of 1989. It took me three months to prepare that initial monthly installment, all the while learning the ropes of this...
Mind Your Markers

Jan 22, 2014
Mind your markers by Kevin Butler Elizabeth Akers Allen wrote this in 1860: “Backward, turn backward, O time in your flight, Make me a child again just for tonight. Backward, flow backward, O tide of the years! I am so weary of toil and of tears.” It’s comforting to recall happier times of childhood. But living in the past can become troublesome...