Barb Green, Parish Nurse Milton, WI Medications and Aging If you are looking at the title of this article and thinking that you don’t need to read it because you certainly are not old, think again. All of us are aging and if this doesn’t apply to you now, it will. Statistics reveal that 91% of people over 65 take at least one prescription drug and 41% use five...

Nov 1, 2020
Reprinted from The Sabbath Recorder dated May 19, 1947 SALEM CHURCH FIRE STARTED IN UPPER CORNICE Roof and Loft Burned; Interior Damaged by Water SALEM, WV—Fire which broke out in the upper cornice of the building, seriously damaged the Salem Seventh Day Baptist church at about 10 a.m. Sunday morning, May 4. Damage as estimated by Fire Chief, Winston Davis, was...
Deep South Camp 2020

Nov 1, 2020
By Lauren Kinlocke Deep South Camp Director 2020 With all the unexpected changes brought about by the onset of Covid-19, Deep South Camp (DSC) 2020 was in doubt. But where there’s a will, the Lord always opens a way—this time was no exception: the Internet, via Zoom, was the saving grace. Fully conscious that one key element to DSC success lies in having the...
Anyone Could Be a Leader

Nov 1, 2020
By Katrina Goodrich Women’s Society No matter your gender, your socioeconomic status, your tendency to follow rather than to step in the limelight—you’re a leader to someone. It doesn’t matter if you’re standing in the pulpit or in the nursery during the sermon: you are a leader by virtue of your proclamation of Christ because every Christian is called to lead...

Nov 1, 2020
Young Adult Page By Melissa Brown Texarkana SDB Church The other day in my Music Theory 4 class, my professor was going over the parts of a sonata form. He was explaining that the first part of the sonata form is repeated in the last part without changing it much. That repeated section is called a “recapitulation.” The descriptions of the sections made sense...
Seventh Day Baptist Missionary Society Christmas Gift List 2020

Nov 1, 2020
by Andy Samuels Chief Executive Director SDB Missionary Society Please consider discussing with your church and family about adding some of these to your end-of-year giving. Some of our SDB families have made it part of their year-end tradition to select items from our suggested gift list to support the ministry work of our SDB brethren around the world. During...