Listening to God and Obeying by Clayton Pinder Editor’s note: A dear servant of the Lord, Clayton Pinder served as our Conference President in 2001, using the theme “Try God.” He submitted several good articles for his President’s Page that year; this one appeared in March 2001. Clayton’s obituary is on page 26 in this issue. Do you ever...
A Glimpse of Eternity

Jun 24, 2013
A Glimpse of Eternity by Eric Rudert We at the White Cloud, Mich., Seventh Day Baptist Church lost our beloved pastor, Bernie Wethington, to cancer on March 19, 2013. (See the May 2013 SR obituary.) Please keep his family and our church family in your prayers during this time of transition. Bernie was a great leader, challenging us to...
Sweet Memories of Brazil

May 24, 2013
Sweet Memories of Brazil by Renee Sanford, Milton, Wis. We’ve been home from Brazil for three weeks. I still don’t know how to answer the question, “How was your trip to Brasil?” I don’t even know if I should spell Brazil with an S or a Z. –It was glorious and exhilarating. It was physically, emotionally and spiritually exhausting. –My heart overflowed...