by Rob Appel From the SDB Vision Map: “We must develop and support new and existing leaders who will work through healthy local churches. Leaders include pastors, as well as people who have served, are serving, or desire to serve in local churches.” Seventh Day Baptists decided many years ago that one of the aspects in our Vision Map was to identify, encourage,...
SDBs “Amplify” the Name of Jesus!

Oct 1, 2020
By Nick Kersten, Director of Education & History And He said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” So I answered, “O Lord God, You know.” —Ezekiel 37:4 There are a variety of ways to measure the life and vitality of a church, but surely one way is how public the faith of a congregation is outside the walls of the meeting house (or the frames of your...
Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus as Our Righteousness

Oct 1, 2020
Romans 3:20-26 Morning Bible study led by Matthew Butler Friday, July 31 Tom Brady is certainly in the running as the G.O.A.T. (Greatest of All Time) in football’s quarterback position. Before you tune me out: this is in no way an endorsement for the New England Patriots—or the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. (Go Pack! And Go LAS VEGAS Raiders!) Brady has played in nine...
Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus When We Sin

Oct 1, 2020
I John 1:5—2:1 Morning Bible study led by Matthew Butler Thursday, July 30 One of the joys I had growing up in the Milton (WI) SDB Church was going to Camp Wakonda every year. This beautiful property is full of tall trees, green grass, woods to explore, games to play… Great memories! One of the “not so happy” memories I have from Camp Wakonda has to do...
Change is Good

Oct 1, 2020
By Frank Mazza I recently went into our local Wawa convenience store for a cup of coffee. Above the counter was a sign saying the store was short on change and the use of credit or debit would be appreciated. Later that same day I grabbed some groceries from Acme and was faced with the same message. “Not enough change to support customer needs. Please use...
Faithful and Flexible

Oct 1, 2020
By Gabriel Graffius Refining Worship The COVID-19 lockdown came upon us suddenly. From one Sabbath service to the next, First Hopkinton SDB went from attendance of over 100 to a government-imposed limit of 25. Then the limit was ten. Soon after that, it was five. Each week we adjusted our worship service and who participated. Each week our awesome crew had to...