By Rev. Dave Stall What are some aspects of good health in a Seventh Day Baptist church? What are some indicators or common characteristics of churches that are healthy and thriving? What are some areas that a sick church needs to look at in order to be revitalized? These are very good questions that we should all be asking as we consider the vitality,...
Access For All

Oct 1, 2020
By JR Shick A friend and mentor once told me that it is easier to keep a ball rolling than to let it stop and try to start it again once it stops. I have found this to be extremely wise advice! (Thanks, Mr. Ed!) However you are processing this current season we find ourselves in, we have the opportunity to reflect on what we were doing (rolling the ball) and...
Virtual Conference 2020
Kevin Butler, Conference President Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from beginning to end. —Hebrews 12:2 I worked closely with 27 different Conference Presidents during my time as editor of the Sabbath Recorder. And I had asked several of them for their advice in approaching my Conference year. I asked them how they went about...
The Boy With the Fish and the Loaves

Aug 30, 2020
by Sarina Gumness There are hundreds of people mentioned in the Bible, but some are not looked at like others. I wanted to discuss the boy who shared his lunch with thousands of people by giving it to Jesus. The story is mentioned in all four of the Gospels—meaning this young man is mentioned in all four of the Gospels. Let’s begin with the account itself. The...
YouthCon Meets on Zoom

Aug 30, 2020
Regardless of what we have faced during this trying time, the Lord still gave us time for General Conference, even if we could not meet in person. The Youth Conference was no different, meeting Sunday night on July 26 at 7pm (EDT). Run by Debbie Bond, we were able to talk to fellow Seventh Day Baptists whom many of us had not seen since last Conference. We...