July 26 — August 1, 2020 Calvin University, Grand Rapids, MI by Kevin Butler Heading to General Conference every summer was always on our calendar. I began attending as a seminary student, then as a pastor, then had no choice but to show up for 25 years and work my “butt-ler” off as Director of Communications and Sabbath Recorder editor. My way was paid. But...
President's Page

By Kevin Butler Conference President 2021 Australian journalist Matthew Knott is a 32-year-old U.S. correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald. He was in New York City earlier...
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By Carl Greene Executive Director If your answer to this inquiry about a “Questionable Life” is no, then your church may not be healthy. Really. A questionable life is necessary...
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The global coronavirus pandemic continues to affect the physical, emotional, and financial well-being of millions of North Americans. Developing and maintaining healthy leaders and...
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Focus on Missions By Andy Samuels Chief Executive Director SDB Missionary Society Jesus has a master plan for transforming the world. His plan is that through the power of the...
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Church News: December 2019
Dodge Center SDB Church, MN The Dodge Center Seventh Day Baptist Church celebrated the 160th Anniversary of their legal organization on June 29, 2019, by celebrating their past and looking forward to the future life and ministry of this body. The morning worship included hymns “O Worship the King” and “At Calvary;” a saxophone solo by Althea Rood accompanied by...
Church Development & Pastoral Service Update: December 2019

Nov 26, 2019
By John J. Pethtel Director, Church Development & Pastoral Services Multiply Conference SDBs gathered in Colorado Springs to learn about “From Unbeliever to Church Planter” during the 5th annual MULTIPLY Church Development Conference. Twenty-five SDBs from many different churches came together on Thursday, November 14, 2019, for a pre-conference event with...
Becoming a Dementia-Friendly Faith Community
Barb Green, Parish Nurse Milton, WI Dementia is NOT normal aging. It is a diagnosis: an overall term that describes a wide range of symptoms associated with a decline in memory or other thinking skills severe enough to reduce a person’s ability to perform everyday activities. Alzheimer’s disease may be the first to come to mind when dementia is mentioned but...

Nov 26, 2019
By Jane Mackintosh When we were in the initial process of being approved for foreign adoption, and in our home study, we were required to take parenting classes—which was a bit ironic since we were already the parents of three biological children: Adam (age 13), Eric (age 12) and Alicia (age 10). The man teaching the class had one adopted child who was a...
Adoption: The Spiritual Side

Nov 26, 2019
Pastor Wayne North New Auburn SDB Church, WI Do you believe Genesis 1:26 where man is made in God’s image and likeness? That is foundational in our calling to be active in foster care and adoption. It was man who turned his back on God and His truth. In man’s rebellion, he chose to be like God in much the same way Satan did. All of creation, including families...
Adopt Authenticity for the Holidays and Beyond
By Katrina Goodrich Authenticity. Take a moment to let that word sink into your bones and meditate on its meaning. It has become a buzz word within the business community in recent years because many people have realized that the more authentic and genuine their brand and company seems (and hopefully is) the better their product or service sells. The church...
A Second Invitation

Nov 26, 2019
By Carl Greene Executive Director In my first season of high school sports, my team went 2 and 12. That would be 2 wins and 12 losses. It was a character-building year to say the least. The second season brought a winning record, but we still lost some close games that we really could have won. We lost in the waning moments of those games because we had allowed...