By Carl Greene Executive Director Thank you. Thank you for praying for individual churches and their communities, for pastors and their families, for SDB Directors and staff of the General Conference along with their families, and for the work of the General Conference as a whole. Every time you pray, you participate in advancing God’s kingdom—what a blessing....
President's Page

By Kevin Butler Conference President 2021 Australian journalist Matthew Knott is a 32-year-old U.S. correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald. He was in New York City earlier...
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By Carl Greene Executive Director If your answer to this inquiry about a “Questionable Life” is no, then your church may not be healthy. Really. A questionable life is necessary...
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The global coronavirus pandemic continues to affect the physical, emotional, and financial well-being of millions of North Americans. Developing and maintaining healthy leaders and...
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Focus on Missions By Andy Samuels Chief Executive Director SDB Missionary Society Jesus has a master plan for transforming the world. His plan is that through the power of the...
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Sep 25, 2019
By Katrina Goodrich These are excerpts from the exit testimonies of SCSC 2019 Team More. All praise glory and honor belong to God—how great and wonderful He has been to me. I didn’t know I would be a part of SCSC this year. My plan was to work this summer but God had other plans. God was calling me back to serve in SCSC this year because He had things He wanted...
Everyday Faithfulness

Sep 25, 2019
By Michaella Osborn Clarkston, GA In the last week, you’ve probably thought about quitting something. A job, school, a way you volunteer, something you care about, something you don’t care about. Maybe you’ve even thought about quitting a friendship or a relationship. I know because I’ve been in the same spot a lot lately. Sometimes we are so good at quitting...
What’s more important, our circumstances or our character?
By Pastor Scott Hausrath North Loup SDB Church, NE I’m sure you all know the “church” answer to this question: “Why, Pastor Scott, of course our character is so much more important than our circumstances. Why would you even ask such an obvious question?” I think I’m asking the question more for my own sake than for anyone else’s. You see, I tend to forget this...
Brain Health
Barb Green, Parish Nurse Milton, WI Lifestyle has a profound impact on your brain health. What you eat and drink, how much you exercise, how well you sleep, the way you socialize and how you manage stress are all critically important to brain health. Regular aerobic exercise (running, biking, swimming, walking) improves blood flow to the brain, which preserves...
West Palm Beach Seventh Day Baptist Summer Program 2019

Sep 25, 2019
The West Palm Beach Seventh Day Baptist Church, FL, would like to thank the Seventh Day Baptist Women’s Society for sponsoring the SCSC Program. We were truly blessed to have two SCSC servant leaders from June 20-July 25 this year. We could not have had a summer program without their service. The two young people, Denovia McKenzie and Jevaughnie Martin, hit the...
Welcome, Carl Prayerful Transitions – Lessons Learned on a Bulldozer

Aug 27, 2019
by Carl Greene Executive Director As a young boy growing up on a dairy farm, I had the opportunity of a lifetime one summer afternoon—the chance to drive a John Deere 350 Bulldozer. Little did I realize that responsibility beyond my personal ability came with this privilege to drive. I was riding with my dad on our farm’s bulldozer when we came to the gate...
Being a World-Class Seventh Day Baptist

Aug 27, 2019
by Andy Samuels Chief Executive Director SDB Missionary Society We have a choice to make. We can be world-class Christians, or worldly Christians. Worldly Christians are primarily concerned about their personal fulfillment. They’re saved, but they’re self-centered. They wouldn’t be very interested in missions conferences, but they love attending concerts and...