Reprinted from the Sabbath Recorder, May 2011. This Recorder reprint is focused on the conflicts between Sabbath convictions and our working lives. I suspect few topics strike such a personal nerve with the Recorder’s readers. Rare indeed is the SDB who has not had to make a hard decision about a job or activity because it falls on the Sabbath. These conflicts...
President's Page

By Kevin Butler Conference President 2021 Australian journalist Matthew Knott is a 32-year-old U.S. correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald. He was in New York City earlier...
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By Carl Greene Executive Director If your answer to this inquiry about a “Questionable Life” is no, then your church may not be healthy. Really. A questionable life is necessary...
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The global coronavirus pandemic continues to affect the physical, emotional, and financial well-being of millions of North Americans. Developing and maintaining healthy leaders and...
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Focus on Missions By Andy Samuels Chief Executive Director SDB Missionary Society Jesus has a master plan for transforming the world. His plan is that through the power of the...
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Sabbath message in Spanish
reprinted from the Sabbath Recorder, May 2015. by Paul Marquez “A soul tired from the efforts of life, needs a Sabbath, a refuge that gives meaning to existence.” El alma cansada de los afanes de la vida, necesita un Sabbath, un refugio que de sentido a su existencia. Una torre fuerte, donde podamos ir y descansar de nuestros miedos y ansiedades. Descansar de...
He Knows the Way
By Michaela Facemire Job 23:10 Everyone always seems to say, “It will never happen to me.” If you have not said this, it has crossed your mind almost surely at some point when you have read the news. Because I am a planner, I sometimes feel as though I can control what happens in my life and my “Nevers” will always be “Nevers.” My plans were majorly disrupted...
Sabbath Joy

Apr 26, 2019
Reprinted from the Sabbath Recorder, May 2015. By Dave Alldredge Seattle Area SDB Church It was the annual church camping trip. The Sabbath afternoon weather was beautiful: the lake water glistening in the sun; the temperature, over 100° F, was unusually warm for Northern Idaho. I was part of a group of men sitting on the beach discussing how God was working in...
“I’ll Go the Distance”

Apr 26, 2019
Reprinted from the Sabbath Recorder, July/August 2018 by Sarina Villalpando Maranatha Community Church in Colton, CA Music is a really powerful language. Sometimes we come across songs that aren’t necessarily qualified as “Christian” but personally move us in a spiritual way and, in a sense, a feeling of being closer to God. Some songs make us feel moved so we...
Judgment or Call to Action

Apr 26, 2019
By Katrina Goodrich The past month or two have been a struggle for the midwest. In Nebraska this spring, a record amount of snowfall turned our serene valleys and plains into flooded heartache. Whole communities and towns were underwater and/or cut off from outside aid due to flooding or severe infrastructure deterioration. Livelihoods, passed down through...

Apr 26, 2019
by Andy Samuels Chief Executive Director, SDB Missionary Society Here I am today, having begun a new journey in my life. In my own mind and heart, it is still sinking in and being processed that I am serving as the newly appointed Chief Executive Director of the SDB Missionary Society. Seventh Day Baptists have been a meaningful part of my life for the entire...
The Hurry Sickness

Apr 26, 2019
Reprinted from the Sabbath Recorder, June 2016. Sharing the journey, Pastor Scott Hausrath SDB Church, North Loup, NE I would like to share with you this thought: Let’s not miss the now by worrying about the next. This thought was prompted by my reading of James Bryan Smith’s book “The Good and Beautiful God.” One of the truths he shares is the idea of “hurry...