By Clinton R. Brown Executive Director 5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: 6 Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something be used to his own advantage; 7 rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. 8 And being found in appearance...
President's Page

By Kevin Butler Conference President 2021 Australian journalist Matthew Knott is a 32-year-old U.S. correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald. He was in New York City earlier...
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By Carl Greene Executive Director If your answer to this inquiry about a “Questionable Life” is no, then your church may not be healthy. Really. A questionable life is necessary...
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The global coronavirus pandemic continues to affect the physical, emotional, and financial well-being of millions of North Americans. Developing and maintaining healthy leaders and...
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Focus on Missions By Andy Samuels Chief Executive Director SDB Missionary Society Jesus has a master plan for transforming the world. His plan is that through the power of the...
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Prayers of Significance
By Pastor William Shobe Dodge Center SDB Church, MN “How significant are your prayers?” I have heard a number of responses to that question. Often they reflect uncertainty about the true value or impact of prayer. I am certain that we all have had times when we felt as if our prayers accomplished little, if anything. As a result we can lose confidence that our...
Got Milk?

Feb 20, 2019
By Katrina Goodrich Recently I was scrolling across my Facebook feed, as one does, and came across a plea for help from an old friend from college. She had recently given birth to her second child and was asking for ideas. She was not producing enough milk for her baby and her infant was allergic the different types of formula they had tried. One of her local...
Transition Plan

Jan 29, 2019
In December Executive Director-elect Carl Greene proposed the following to the current Executive Director for his approval and then subsequently to the General Council for their consideration. The SDB General Council wholeheartedly endorses this vision and leadership direction proposed by the Rev. Carl Greene. By Rev. Carl Greene, Executive Director-elect I am...
Cow Bells, Corinth, and Church Health

Jan 29, 2019
By Rev. Carl Greene The evening air has a frosty edge to it. The parking lot is packed with cars and trucks coated with Potter County dirt. Just past the ticket counter, the stands are nearly full. The concession booth is billowing out the sweet aroma of fried and sugary goodness. A host of people are expectantly carrying their cow bells with them. (You read...
Depending on God

Jan 29, 2019
By Rachael Osborn For about 6 years I have struggled with mental illness. I have severe depression and anxiety. I’ve recently been struggling a lot more. I felt betrayed by God. I blamed Him for everything that had been happening. I felt like I was doing everything I could and it was so frustrating that nothing was getting better. I was doing everything my...
People Get Ready!

Jan 29, 2019
By Jane Mackintosh Conference President Two months ago I promised to share my ideas about things we will try at Conference in July to welcome our children into worship and as fellow ministers of the Gospel. I talked about the Barna study that gave some statistics that ought to make us look at what we do in church, to see if our traditions and ways of perceiving...
The Way of Love in the Church

Jan 29, 2019
By Katie Brown Imagine attending a church in which everyone was obsessed with competition and comparison. It would be difficult to praise God while constantly looking around at others. Such a toxic environment of “self” would make fellowship and worship for many of us uncomfortable and disheartening. Although that hypothetical situation seems extreme, there are...