By Katrina Goodrich As I grow older it seems as though a lot of my “Christian” conversations revolve around how to keep moving forward in your relationship with God. Even though I’m not involved in as many different activities as I was when I was younger, it seems as though life is moving more rapidly and I don’t have time to do things as I...
President's Page

By Kevin Butler Conference President 2021 Australian journalist Matthew Knott is a 32-year-old U.S. correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald. He was in New York City earlier...
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By Carl Greene Executive Director If your answer to this inquiry about a “Questionable Life” is no, then your church may not be healthy. Really. A questionable life is necessary...
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The global coronavirus pandemic continues to affect the physical, emotional, and financial well-being of millions of North Americans. Developing and maintaining healthy leaders and...
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Focus on Missions By Andy Samuels Chief Executive Director SDB Missionary Society Jesus has a master plan for transforming the world. His plan is that through the power of the...
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Sunday Evening Worship – Faith, Family, Education Conference 2016

Aug 29, 2016
Speaker: Michael Jordan Dean of the Chapel at Houghton College I was asked to speak on the conference theme, “Faith, Family, Education.” As a guy with ten years of pastoral ministry experience, with five kids, who currently works at a Christian college, it would seem that these are three words and ideals I care deeply about. And I do care about faith, family,...
Christian Healing
Barb Green, Parish Nurse Milton, WI What comes to mind when you hear the word healing: doctors, state-of-the art cardiac units, amoxicillin? What about the phrase ”Christian healing”? To some, this calls to mind the worst religious broadcasting has to offer. Many dangle the promise of miraculous cures to those who would just summon the faith to buy them. With...
Covenants, Creeds, and the Church

Jun 23, 2016
Rev. Nicholas J. Kersten Director of Education and History One of the hallmarks of Seventh Day Baptist life is our belief that the Bible is the only guide to our faith and practice. In this, we share something important with all Baptists, and more generally, with all Protestants. Along with Martin Luther, Seventh Day Baptists can affirm it is “only the...
Rev. Dr. Kenneth Chroniger Alfred Station SDB Church, NY Perhaps as far back as August 2015, you made sure that July 31 – August 6 was blocked off for the General Conference 2016 session on the campus of Houghton College, Houghton, NY. Allow me to sound Biblical for a moment — “the time is upon us!” So what may you do to prepare for this opportunity with...
God is My Constant

Jun 23, 2016
by Sarina Villalpando Maranatha Community Church, Colton, CA There are two things in life that do not mix very well: change and anxiety. I first started noticing my anxiety around age 15. Since then it has been something that I have had to learn to function with. A big part of life is experiencing different changes, but for some they are harder to handle...
Self Loathing, Mental Illness, and Alternative Folk Rock: Why Evangelism Needs Hopefulness
By Duane Davis Seattle, WA, SDB Church I’ve heard enough SCSC testimonies to know they follow a certain formula: person grows up Christian, then falls out of it in during the teen years, and eventually comes back, and now everything’s hunky-dory. As a child born and raised in the church, I never thought that could happen to me. I thought I was above ever...
Feelin’ Groovy!

Jun 23, 2016
by Rob Appel Executive Director Many of you know that I like music from the 60’s, 70’s, and the 80’s. Many of you have tried, and a few stumped me, with music trivia. Many of you are wondering now, “What’s this have to do with Feelin’ Groovy?” I am glad you asked! The correct name for this song was, “The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin’ Groovy).” Paul Simon, of...