Barb Green, Parish Nurse Milton, WI The old saying goes, “A healthy heart is a happy heart.” One component of a healthy heart is a normal blood pressure. Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the walls of your arteries that carry blood from your heart to other parts of your body. It normally rises and falls throughout the day but if it...
Sabbath School Teacher of the Year

Mar 20, 2018
By Peggy Chroniger Each year the SDB Christian Education Council solicits nominees for the Sabbath School Teacher of the Year. This year we are changing the guidelines to include more opportunities for other leaders. Any member church (or branch church) of the General Conference may nominate a Sabbath School teacher, Bible Study leader, or Small Group leader....
Remembering Jonas Sommer

Mar 20, 2018
The entire Seventh Day Baptist Community from around the world is mourning the tragic passing of Pastor Jonas Sommer, his wife Clarice, and their children Marcos and Paula. An auto accident in their homeland of Brazil is responsible for claiming their lives on February 15, 2018. Pastor Jonas was the President of the Seventh Day Baptist World Federation. ...
The Pulse of a Healthy Church, Part 7

Mar 20, 2018
Rev. Carl Greene Hebron SDB Church, PA I am intrigued by some of the interview questions ascribed to major companies. For instance, an interview at Whole Foods Market might entail this question: “Would you rather fight 1 horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?” Keep thinking about that one while you consider a question that might be posed in a Trader Joe’s...
Thy Will Be Done…

Mar 20, 2018
By Pastor Scott Hausrath “Doh! Did I actually eat that entire bag of chips?” “Did I really get that intimate with my girlfriend?” “Why in the world did I cut and run after that fender bender?” These are some of the questions I’ve asked myself after making choices that were clearly not God’s will for me. Why is it that I, that we, so often make choices like...