by Rev. Nicholas J. Kersten Director of Education and History The question of the keeping of holidays and festivals among Seventh Day Baptists is for some a matter of dire importance which points at the purity of our faith. For others, it is seldom given a second thought as they carry out whichever traditions have been handed to them. Given those divergent...
Too Busy!

Nov 26, 2018
By Katrina Goodrich “‘Crazy-busy’ is a great armor, it’s a great way for numbing. What a lot of us do is that we stay so busy, and so out in front of our life, that the truth of how we’re feeling and what we really need can’t catch up with us.” —Brenė Brown Lately, I’ve been catching myself responding to the question, “How’ve you been?” with things like “really...
Tribal Dance and SDB Worship

Nov 26, 2018
By Clinton R. Brown Executive Director Seventh Day Baptist Missionary Society You can experience quite a variety of worship styles due to regional preferences or the importation of culture from other countries if you visit some of the different Seventh Day Baptist congregations in the USA & Canada. Being a westerner, I was somewhat naive to the variety of...
People Get Ready

Nov 26, 2018
By Jane Mackintosh Conference President Last month I shared my first idea about how we can “get ready” as Seventh Day Baptists to serve the Church when she returns to the Sabbath. The first idea was to pursue Biblical counseling, training to help with the woundedness of people sitting in our churches. Doug and I just returned from Florida where we spent a...

Nov 26, 2018
Servant Leadership Development A SUMMER OF SERVICE: LEADERSHIP FOR A LIFETIME 2019 DATES AND INFORMATION • January 8, 2019 — DEADLINE for Student Applications • January 31, 2019 — DEADLINE for Church Applications • June 12 – 16 — Project Director Training Camp Harley Sutton, Alfred Station, NY • June 12 – 20 — SCSC On-Site Training Camp Harley Sutton, Alfred...