“Open Concept” Donna S. Bond Shiloh SDB Church, NJ “I have learned in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” — Philippians 4:11 (KJV) My husband and I watch programs relating to buyingand/or renovating properties. Having grown up in 19th century parsonages and then bought only fixer-uppers we could afford, we are amazed at...
Blessings of Stewardship
Blessings of Stewardship Pastor Andy Samuels Miami Seventh Day Baptist Church, FL Many churches probably struggle financially just as ours does sometimes. We have felt convicted to be faithful in our stewardship to the Lord, and particularly we have consistently taught the privilege of tithing. I have had the abiding belief that the resources for everything we...
Blessing of a Breakdown

Dec 28, 2015
Blessing of a Breakdown Clinton R. Brown Executive Director I was in a small seven passenger van headed to church one Sabbath morning in early October of last year when the engine stalled and we coasted to a stop on the left-hand side of the road. This was the safer and appropriate side of the road because they drive on the left in Uganda. I had warned Johnmark...
Core Values
Core Values Rob Appel Executive Director Commitments that everybody lives by — Our nonnegotiable Last month I wrote about the General Conference sessions in July 2015 and the General Council sharing the “Vision Map.” This document laid out for the reader and viewer four distinct areas that the General Council believes define and move forward Seventh Day...
A New Perspective
A New Perspective Pastor Scott Hausrath SDB Church, North Loup, NE One of the most significant blessings I’ve received recently is a new perspective. It’s a new perspective about life in this world. It’s the perspective that life in this world is temporary. I know what you’re thinking: “Pastor Scott, this isn’t a new perspective.” You’re right. I should have...