

Oct 26, 2018

By Willy Villalpando   Stop. Breathe in. Count to 5. Breathe out. Relax your shoulders. Close your eyes. Breathe in. Count. Breathe out. Does anyone else get caught up in all the things you’ve said yes to? Like you finally finish one thing and before you can take a breath, four more things need your immediate attention? Come on, I can’t be the only one...

An Open Letter To SDB Young Adults

An Open Letter To SDB Young Adults Dear Young Missionaries, Hello! How are you all doing? I pray the past few months since Conference have been treating all of you well! I know that many of you were quite ready to get stuff done in the wake of Conference and I hope we’ve all had the opportunity to do just that! Now, I want to specifically talk to the Young...

Kidney Disease

Barb Green, Parish Nurse   Unless you have had a kidney stone, you have probably given little thought to your kidneys, even though they are vital to your overall health. Most of us have two kidneys each about the size of a fist, located on either side of the spine at the lowest level of the rib cage. Their major function is to remove waste products and...

Healthy Action in Emergency Health Situations

By Marqueta Aiken Philadelphia Seventh Day Baptist Church It is no surprise that sickness and disease can originate in a body that has a spirit which is dead. We know that sin causes spiritual death and separates us from God. We know all have sinned… We live in a world of sin. Until we shed this earthly body to reside in Heaven, we know that all who accept...

Give Thanks

By Donna S. Bond “Jesus asked, ‘Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?’” (Luke 17:11-19 NIV) Jesus healed ten lepers; one came back to thank Him (vv. 12 & 15). Two thousand years later my dad gave a significant monetary gift to three grandchildren and four new high school...