Sabbath Recorder Readers, God’s blessings to you! We are praying this update for our fellowship finds you praising God in your daily walk with our Lord. We have some exciting news! We now have a permanent home! We are meeting at The Point Church, located at the junction of Highway 1 and Highway 55! Our heartfelt thanks goes out to the Appalachian...
Do you hear from God?

Oct 26, 2018
By Kayleigh Mackintosh I want you to ask yourself this question and really think about your answer. Think of a specific time when you have heard God speak to you, whether in a dream, thought, picture, or even an audible voice. Hearing God’s voice is something we can all practice because the truth is that God is talking to us all the time! In Jeremiah 33:3 it...
How Do We Get Ready?

Oct 26, 2018
By Jane Mackintosh Conference President 2018-19 Last month I shared with you my theme of “People Get Ready” that was begun with seven words God spoke to me 25 years ago: “The Church is Returning to the Sabbath.” It was such a profound, startling experience. But God had not given me the “go ahead” to share this in a public manner all these years until now. My...