Peace and Unity By Executive Director, Rob Appel Last month I wrote: “We all need to accept the people who came before us, and who are coming behind us. In unity and understanding, encourage those who do things differently in a positive way (even though things are not being done my way). And I also left you with “how we all can work together in maintaining our...
EXPERIENCING SABBATH by Dr. Charles E. Bowie There are several debates concerning the Sabbath with respect to days; namely, is the seventh day Sabbath, Saturday or Sunday? Such a debate is not the concern here. What I am concerned with here is the lived meaning of sabbath. As we approach any biblical text, what is present to us are forms of life that are tied...
El Alma Cansada
El Alma Cansada By Paulino Márquez, Redemption Evangelical Fellowship, Riverside, CA El alma cansada de los afanes de la vida, necesita un Sabbath, un refugio que de sentido a su existencia. Una torre fuerte, donde podamos ir y descansar de nuestros miedos y ansiedades. Descansar de las preocupaciones cotidianas que marchitan el espíritu. Necesitamos un oasis...
The Beacon

Apr 27, 2015
The Beacon By Elianna Chroniger I recently finished up the musical season at school. Our high school put on the show “Mary Poppins” during the second weekend in March. I played the role of the much loved nanny, Mary Poppins. In this role I was tasked with the job of learning lines, songs, blocking, and choreography for a lot of scenes. As we read through the...
SCSC: An Opportunity to Grow
SCSC: An Opportunity to Grow By Katrina Goodrich I have been privileged to be involved with the Summer Christian Service Corps (SCSC) program since a very young age. My mom was a project director (most summers that I can remember) and then she was on training staff. I participated four years as a student and two years as a project director. SCSC is a...