by Barb Green, Parish Nurse Milton, WI Body Fat Fat is an organ that can help or harm your health. Everyone has fat; we need it to survive. The trick is understanding the difference between the kinds of fat and keeping them in balance with diet, exercise and common sense. Subcutaneous fat lies directly underneath the skin. It stores energy and provides...
Christmas Gift List 2015

Oct 28, 2015
by Clinton R. Brown Executive Director, SDB Missionary Society This year we are encouraging our friends and family again to consider giving to support our Seventh Day Baptist brothers and sisters around the world in ministry. Please look at the list and determine if there are ways you feel called to help celebrate in giving during this season of...
Connection Rejection

Oct 27, 2015
by Pastor Scott Hausrath North Loup SDB Church, NE The Coroner had listed the deceased’s cause of death as “Connection Rejection.” He wasn’t surprised when the D.A.’s office called for a clarification of his findings. “Can you explain what you mean by ‘Connection Rejection’?” the Deputy District Attorney asked. “My boss is going to need something more...
Divine Interventions
– Cheri Appel Palm Desert, CA Recently, my good friend, Ann, and I started to include Ned in some of our activities. We knew from what neighbors told us that Ned had lost his beloved wife just a year ago and was still in the grieving process. So to help alleviate all the meals eaten alone, we started to invite Ned to join us in some of the evening meals...
Life and Death at Green End
The congregation asked for help on a regular basis, and rather than provide it, the SDBs of that era elected to withhold their support. Rev. Nicholas J. Kersten Director of Education and History In between the lines of our history as Seventh Day Baptists, many stories are hidden. One such hidden story emerged several months ago when we received two requests in...